Chapter 24-Study Guide Late adulthood: Cognitive Development

Chapter 24-Study Guide
Late adulthood: Cognitive Development
#1-Discuss what causes the brain to slow down with aging and the effects of this
slowdown on brain functioning.
#2-Discuss what sections of the brain shrink faster than others, and what might
slow this brain shrinkage.
#3-Discuss working memory and long-term memory, what they are, and their
#4-Discuss the control processes of memory recognition and priming, including
what they are and changes in late adulthood.
#5-Discuss the normal decline in verbal reasoning and other factors of output, and
include how they are influenced by health and training.
#6-Discuss dementia and what it is.
#7-Discuss Alzheimer's disease, along with its causes and symptoms. Include Its
relationship to dementia and the changes in symptoms from beginning stages of
Alzheimer's to the final stage.
#8-Discuss vascular dementia, including the causes and symptom of this.
#9-Discuss Frontal lobe dementia, Parkinson's disease, and Louie body dementia.
Please include the symptoms of these dementia.
#10-Discuss which pathogens can cause dementia.
#11-Discuss the factors that can result in late adulthood impairment and how these
could possibly be reversed.
#12-Discuss Erikson's theory of integrity versus despair, Maslow's theory of selfactualization, and the concept of life review.