W9 PROSE - CREATIVE Creative Work: Developing an Idea



Creative Work: Developing an Idea

Look over the sketches you did last week. Choose a sketch from your 5 to develop further into an extended short story OR a chapter of your novel-in-progress. The requirements for this piece of prose:

It should be a minimum of 750 words. (You can write as much as you want, but over 2,000 words I might stop reading.)

It can be in either first person or third person; choose one and stick with it.

Write in the simple past tense.

 Aim to directly “show” character, backstory, and motivation, rather than “telling” or making announcements. Avoid lengthy passages of explanation or backstory or history. If such information is essential, find another way to do it.

The story or chapter should have a clear protagonist who is 3-dimensional (show both interior and exterior). The protagonist should be a complex person with strengths and weaknesses. (The “person” can be from a far-away planet, another dimension, a dog, and so on, but they must be emotionally believable.

The protagonist must face a dilemma that requires them to make a choice or take action.

The course of action they choose must generate consequences within the story/chapter.

The protagonist must learn or discover something significant in the course of the story.

Submit by Monday, March 5

Share: Post to your group also by Monday

Responding: Respond to the work of everyone in your group. Very short responses (a sentence or two) don’t get credit – I’m looking for more thoughtful, detailed responses.

(You’ll also annotate someone’s writing from last week – see Annotation assignment).
