Shalease Anderson English 102 a 0.4 Jim Jewell Super Sad True Love Story

Shalease Anderson
English 102 a 0.4
Jim Jewell
Super Sad True Love Story
Claim grounds and warrant
This book is evidence of how much technology is currently taking over society. In the novel, the
main character Lenny, talks about having an actual diary, and how it was old fashion. Later in the story,
Lenny talks about taking out a book, and how the person next to him complained about its smell, and
was disgusted by it. First, the fact that having an actual diary that you physically write in, shows the idea
that technology is starting to replace actual books and essentially physical writing. To have someone
complain that a book stinks, implies that it’s old, and almost seemingly worthless.The story was written
just a few years ago, and obviously is trying to show us that we’re heading for a future where technology
is everything, and writing and books are just a thing of the past.
Nice work here. You make a clear claim and back it up well. This is the kind of idea that you could
definitely develop into an essay topic. What are the implications to a society when it stops reading and
writing? What other effects might you expect to see? Great start here.