Capstone Project: Grading Rubric

Capstone Project: Grading Rubric
“Madness in Movies” Coordinated Studies
Brian Holt & JC Clapp, North Seattle Community College, 2012
Entire Capstone Project is in the same font, has page numbers, is double spaced, has 1” margins, has no extra spaces
between paragraphs, includes group member’s names together on the first page only, includes section headings,
italicizes the name of the film, and is carefully edited and proofread
Part 1: Empirical Report (2-4 pages) 20 points:
Identifies the disorder using the DSM-IV-TR name and code
Includes a description of how the disorder typically presents in real life – with examples, as needed to illustrate
Explains the epidemiology of the disorder
Explains theoretical causes or explanations (etiology) of the disorder
Identifies and explains the risk factors for the disorder
Discusses the various treatment options for the disorder
At least 2 pages and no more than 4 pages in length
Research sources are listed in proper MLA format on the Works Cited page
Carefully edited and proofread
Points earned out of 20 for Part 1:______________________
A=18-20; B=16-17; C=14-15; D=13; F=12 and below
Part 2: Analysis of Disorder in the Film (4-6 pages) 45 points:
Explains the character’s behavior (body movements, words/dialogue, treatment of others/self, and thoughts) to
illustrate how the disorder is communicated
Analysis of how the character’s behaviors, words, and thoughts are accurate portrayals of a typical person in real life
with the disorder – including specific examples from the film to illustrate the points
Analysis of how the character’s behaviors, words, and thoughts are not typical or accurate portrayals of the disorder
(and referring to differential diagnosis as necessary) – including specific examples from the film to illustrate the points
All description of the character is used to show the particular disorder – with no filler
At least 4 pages and no more than 6 pages in length
Research sources are listed in proper MLA format on the Works Cited page
Carefully edited and proofread
Points earned out of 45 for Part 2:______________________
A=41-45; B=36-40; C=32-35; D=30-31; F=29 and below
Part 3: How Disorder Communicated in the Film (4-6 pages) 65 points:
Focused solely on how the character is presented (does not discuss the behaviors discussed in Part 2, but instead looks
at how the director has presented him/her to us
Detailed and analytical discussion of how the character’s disorder or mental state is communicated through filmmaking
techniques – including in-depth examples from the film to illustrate the points
Covers multiple aspects such as the mise-en-scene (setting, costuming, makeup, lighting, composition, use of space),
cinematography (camera perspective, depth of field, visual effects), editing, and sound (sound effects, music) – and how
those various aspects contribute to how the character’s mental disorder is perceived by the audience
A use and understanding of the vocabulary of film – demonstrates that appropriate filmmaking terms can be used
correctly to describe what’s happening on screen
All examples clearly connect to how the particular disorder is presented – with no filler
At least 4 pages and no more than 6 pages in length
Research sources are listed in proper MLA format on the Works Cited page
Carefully edited and proofread
Points earned out of 65 for Part 3:______________________
A=59-65; B=52-58; C=46-51; D=42-45; F=41 and below
Part 4: Cultural Analysis Essay (6-8 pages) 90 points:
Uses the form of an academic essay including an introduction, supporting paragraphs connected by tight transitions, and
a conclusion
Has a clearly identifiable, persuasive, unique, and focused thesis that the rest of the essay is supporting
All parts of the essay clearly and thoroughly connect to the thesis statement – there is no “filler” information that isn’t
necessary for defending the thesis.
Essay considers the cultural, historical, social, and context of the film
Essay analyzes how the film shapes the audience’s perception of psychological health and influences how the viewer
thinks about the disorder (and the consequences of the portrayal).
Essay considers what message the film is sending about “crazy” people and how those messages reinforce or subvert
social fears or anxieties.
All points include examples from the film and from research sources to support
At least 6 pages and no more than 8 pages in length
Includes at least three scholarly/academic sources
All research material is properly documented with in-text citations (author’s last name and the page number).
There is no plot summary, actor or director biographies, or other filler
There is no personal response, commentary about if the message of the film is good/bad, personal reaction, critique, or
review of the film – the paper stays focused only on analyzing how the film works.
Research sources are listed in proper MLA format on the Works Cited page
Carefully edited and proofread
Points earned out of 90 for Part 4:______________________
A=81-90; B=72-80; C=63-71; D=59-62; F=58 and below
Group Poster (100 points):
Poster displayed at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 6th
Poster clearly communicates to viewers what film and mental disorder was studied and what the thesis is
Uses a pleasing arrangement of white space, graphics, text, and colors
Is neat, tidy and uncluttered
Is organized and uses headings to help readers navigate the poster
Poster has a title
All Text is big enough to read from 5 feet away
Information flows from top to bottom and from left to right, like people read
Includes Works Cited information, names of group members, name of class, etc.
Carefully edited and proofread
Points earned out of 100 for Poster:______________________
A=90-100; B=80-89; C=70-79; D=65-69; F=64 and below
Total Points earned in entire Capstone Project (out of 320):_____________________ Decimal Grade:_________________
A=288-320; B=256-287; C=224-255; D=208-223; F=207 and below