Researching Famous Characters of WW2


Researching Famous

Characters of WW2

Who are these people?

What were their roles during WW2?

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler was born on April

20 th 1889 in the town of

Braunau am Inn in Austria and the border with Germany.

As a young man he wanted to become an artist and preferred to talk about art than war.

What happened to make him into the man who led Germany to invade Poland an begin WW2?

King George Vi and Queen Elizabeth

Why was this woman described by hitler as the most dangerous woman in Europe?

Why did this man become King?

Winston Churchill

Why was this man so important to

Britain during the war?

How did this man become such a great leader?

How did the people of britain Honour this man when the war ended?

Research groups

Use the research materials provided to make a presentation on the following people.

Green and Purple group Your task is to research

Winston Churchill

Blue Group Your task is to research

The royal family during the war years

Yellow and Red group Your task is to research

Adolf hitler
