June 4, 2015 Core Curriculum Committee Annual Report 2014-2015

June 4, 2015
Core Curriculum Committee Annual Report 2014-2015
Chair: Marilyn Kaplan, JSOM
Dennis Miller, Vice-Chair
Members: Shelly Lane, A&H; Melanie Spence, BBS; Tonja Wissinger, IS: Dennis Miller, NS&M; Simeon
Ntafos, ECS; Euell Elliott, EPPS
RUO: Andrew Blanchard
The committee met approximately twice per month during the long semesters. Now that the new core
had been implemented, we spent our time on two areas:
Minor corrections to the core courses to total changes for 5 courses for 2015-2016.
o Added three new courses (MATH, MUSI, AHRM)
o Reinstated one (SOC 2300)
o Added a CAO designation in addition to its existing 010 designation for another course
(COMM 1311),
Assessment of the core learning outcomes
o We redesigned the freshman experience course with new learning objectives that
incorporates the initial CLA+ results and prepares the students for the core by explaining
the reasons for a core curriculum, and the concept of assessing them before and after
core completion.