CS100A Lecture 16 ...

CS100A Lecture 16
27 October 1998
Assignment 7: A Checker-playing program: learning
about GUIs and working with a well-designed and welldocumented program
GUI: Graphical User Interface
Project designed to show advantage of “object-oriented
programming”. The
awt (abstract window toolkit)
contains many classes --and subclasses-- and extending
some of them is an integral part of implementing a GUI.
This project will NOT require you to write code that
deals with the GUI; the assignment gives you only an
introduction to the topic. Your programming will deal
with the code that manipulates the checkers represented
in a two-dimensional array. And a lot of it requires only
calling already-written methods.
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998
Some classes in the abstract window toolkit
class Frame: An instance is a “window” on the screen. It
can contain “components”. You get to say where the
components go.
is a subclass of Window
is a subclass of Container
is a subclass of Component
Some components that can appear in a Frame
instance of Button: a button to be clicked with mouse.
instance of Label: a String that the user can’t change.
instance of TextField: a string that the user can change
instance of TextArea:2-dimensional text area, changeable
instance of Canvas: Can be drawn on using Graphics
class Event: An instance describes some event, like
“mouse up”, “mouse drag”, “click on a button”, “click on
the window-destroy field”, a keystroke.
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998
(part of) class Frame
public class java.awt.Frame extends java.awt.Window
implements java.awt.MenuContainer {
// possible cursor types for method setCursor
public final static int CROSSHAIR_CURSOR; §
public final static int DEFAULT_CURSOR;
public final static int HAND_CURSOR;
Frame(String title);
public void
public String
public void
setTitle(String title);
public boolean isResizable();
public void
setResizable(boolean resizable);
public int
public void
setCursor(int cursorType);
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998
part of class Window (superclass of Frame)
public class java.awt.Window extends
java.awt.Container {
public Window(Frame parent);
// Remove, get rid of, this window
public void dispose ( );
// Lay out the components in window with preferred size
public void pack( );
// Make this window visible
public void show( );
// Put window behind other windows
public void toBack( );
// Put window in front of other windows
public void toFront ();
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998
part of class Container (superclass of Window)
public class java.awt.Container extends
java.awt.Component {
// Add component comp to the container
public Component add(Component comp);
// remove comp from the container
public void remove(Component comp);
// Tell container what layout manager to use
public void setLayout(LayoutManager mgr);
// Lay out the components in container with
// preferred size
public void pack( );
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998
part of class Component (superclass of Component)
public class java.awt.Component {
// Process action, return “action has been handled”
public boolean action(Event evt, Object what);
// Handle event, return “event has been handled”
public boolean handleEvent(Event evt);
// Make component insensitive (sensitive) to use input
public void disable( );
public void enable( );
// repaint this component
public void repaint( );
// Change the width and height to w and h
public void resize(int w, int h);
// Set the background color to c
public void setBackground(Color c);
// Make sure the component is seen on the screen
public void show( );
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998
Layout Manager
Used to place and control components on a Frame. Several
layout managers --simple ones give programmer less
control, the more complex ones give more
There are also programs that help you build GUIs without
having to do all the programming.
Look briefly at one layout manager, GridBagLayout.
Requires an instance of another class, GridBagConstraints.
Basically, to add a new component to the Frame, you set
the properties you want it to have in the instance of
GridBagConstraints and then call a method add.
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998
GridBagLayout and GridBagConstraints
4 5
A: TextField
B: Button
C: TextArea
A frame with a TextField, a Button, and a TextArea
gbl= new GridBagLayout();
gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
TextField tf= new TextField(“a text field”);
TextArea ta= new TextArea(“text\narea”);
Button b= new Button(“name on button”);
add(tf,gbl,gbc, 0,0, 3,1, 100,100);
add(ta,gbl,gbc, 1,1, 2,2, 100,100);
add(tf,gbl,gbc, 3,2, 5,3, 100,100);
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998
Following slides:
class Experiment, which is an extension of Frame. It has
several components in the frame.
class TrivialApplication, which defines a variable that can
contain an Experiment.
class CheckersSquare (stripped down version), a
component of class Canvas.
We spend some time demonstrating and investigating
these classes.
You can download these three classes in a single file from
our web site (look for “assignment 7”). Start a new
codewarrior project, using the Java application stationery
(not the CUCS stationery). Then replace file
TrivialApplication.java with this file (of the same name).
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998
// Frame to illustrate the awt.
public class Experiment extends Frame {
// Components that go in the frame
CheckersSquare sq;
Label lab;
TextField textf;
TextArea texta;
// Titles for buttons
String[ ] bs= {"new game", "quit"};
// The layout and constraint variables for this frame
GridBagLayout gbl;
GridBagConstraints gbc;
final int xw= 100; // Weights for all the components
final int yw= 100; // when they are resized
(class Experiment to be continued)
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998
// Constructor: a frame with various components
public Experiment() {
gbl= new GridBagLayout();
gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 10));
gbc.fill= gbc.BOTH;
sq= new CheckersSquare(0,0);
gbc.fill= gbc.BOTH;
lab= new Label("A label at (1,1)");
add(lab, gbl,gbc,1,1,1,1,xw,yw);
textf= new TextField("A TextField at (1,2)");
texta= new TextArea("A TextArea\nat (1,3)");
add(new Button(bs[0]),gbl,gbc, 2,0, 1,1, xw,yw);
add(new Button(bs[1]),gbl,gbc, 3,0, 1,1, xw,yw);
pack( ); move(150,50); show();
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998
// Add component c to gbl with constraints gbc at position
// (x,y). Component c takes w columns and r rows, and is
// weighted (wx, wy).
private void add(Component c, GridBagLayout gbl,
GridBagConstraints gbc,
int x, int y, int w, int h, int wx, int wy)
{gbc.gridx= x;
gbc.gridy= y;
gbc.gridwidth= w;
gbc.gridheight= h;
gbc.weightx= wx;
gbc.weighty= wy;
gbl.setConstraints(c, gbc);
(class Experiment to be continued)
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998
// If button was pressed, process it; otherwise, let method
// action in the superclass process it
public boolean action(Event e, Object arg) {
if (arg.equals(buttons[0])) {
// Handle press of "New game" and return true
System.out.println("\"new game\" pressed");
return true;}
if (arg.equals(buttons[1])) {
// Handle press of "Quit" and return true
System.out.println("\"Quit\" pressed");
System.out.println("TextField is: \"" +
textf.getText( ) + "\"");
System.out.println("selection is: \"" +
textf.getSelectedText( ) + "\"");
return true;
return super.action(e,arg);
(class Experiment to be continued)
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998
// Process press of WINDOW_DESTROY or mouse up
// in a CheckersSquare
public boolean handleEvent(Event e) {
//System.out.println("" + e);
if (e.id == Event.WINDOW_DESTROY) {
System.out.println("Window destroy clicked");
return true;
if (e.id == Event.MOUSE_UP &&
e.target instanceof CheckersSquare) {
System.out.println("Mouse up in a” +
return true;
if (e.id == Event.MOUSE_MOVE) {
System.out.println("Mouse move");
return true;
return super.handleEvent(e);
(End of class Experiment)
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998
public class TrivialApplication {
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println( "Hello World!" );
Experiment f= new Experiment();
// A square of the game Checkers
public class CheckersSquare extends Canvas {
static public final int EMPTY= 0;
static public final int RED= 1;
static public final int BLACK= 2;
Rectangle b; // Containing rectangle of this square
int col; int row;// col, row no. of this square on board
private int fill= EMPTY;
// Constructor: An initially empty square that belongs in
// column c, row r of the board
public CheckersSquare(int c, int r) {
col= c; row= r;
if ((c+r)%2 == 1) setBackground(color.gray);
else setBackground(color.pink);
resize(42,42); b= bounds();
(to be continued)
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998
(continuation of CheckersSquare)
// Constructor: An initially empty square that belongs in
// column c, row r of the board
public CheckersSquare(int c, int r) {
col= c; row= r;
if ((c+r)%2 == 1) setBackground(color.gray);
else setBackground(color.pink);
resize(42,42); b= bounds();
// Paint square (with its piece, if any), using Graphics g
public void paint (Graphics g) {
Color save= g.getColor( );
if (fill==RED) g.setColor(Color.red);
g.fillOval(b.x+b.width/5, b.y+b.width/5,
b.width/2, b.height/2);
(end of class CheckersSquare)
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998
Event: something like mouse down, mouse drag, click
on a button, pressing a key down, letting a key up, and
clicking on the “window-destroy” box.
An event represented by an instance of class Event.
Java 1.0 event handling is different from Java 1.1 event
handling. We discuss Java 1.0 event handling.
When an event happens, one of two methods is called:
// Handle button click --return “click processed”
public boolean action(Event e, Object arg)
{Similar to body of handleEvent}
// Handle all other events --return “event handled”
public boolean handleEvent(Event e) {
if (event can be handled) {
Process event;
return true;
return super.handleEvent(e);
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998
The game of checkers
To play the game using a finished program, execute
the applet on the CS100A home page (look for
assignment 7).
For this assignment, download files as instructed on
the handout for the assignment. You get a copy of the
completed program with parts removed, and you have
to fill them in. You will not have to write code that
manipulates the GUI, but you are encouraged to study
the GUI code!
Class Checkers is a subclass of Frame, so an instance
is a window on the monitor.
Class CheckersSquare is a subclass of Canvas, so an
instance is a component on which one can draw ovals
and such.
An 8x8 array of elements of Class CheckersSquare
forms the checker board.
Class IntLabel is used to encode two different
representations of a number: Int and Label.
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998
Class CheckersSquare
Each square of the checkerboard is an instance of
Field fill is the piece on this square
Fields row, col contain the square’s row, col number
Field toBeMoved: = “The piece should be highlighted”
Method paint is called by the system whenever the
square should be repainted. Repainging can also be
requested by a method of this class by calling method
Class CheckersSquare contains a bunch of methods that
you should use in writing your code. Spend several
minutes familiarizing yourself with them before doing
any coding.
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998
Class Checkers
Fields for checker game (not GUI)
// Number of red pieces and black pieces on the board
IntLabel redCount= new IntLabel(0, reds);
IntLabel blackCount= new IntLabel(0, blacks);
// clickflag describes clicks made by the user
// = 0: No piece has been chosen (clicked on). For all
squares, field toBeMoved is false.
// = 1: click was made on a piece of color colorToPlay
oldSq is the square of the piece to be moved; it’s
the only highlighted square
int clickflag = 0;
CheckersSquare oldSq;
int colorToPlay; // player (i.e. color) to place next
int otherColor; // the other color
Your changes are restricted to five methods, but before
you make the changes, study carefully at all the other
methods in class Checkers.
// Set the board up for a new game
public void newGame( )
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998
// Move piece from oldSq to newSq and return true. If
// move is not possible, do nothing and return false.
private boolean validMove(CheckersSquare oldSq,
CheckersSquare newSq)
// Return "move oldSq to newSq is valid non-jump
// move for player colorToPlay". Assume oldSq contains
// a piece of colorToPlay and newSq is empty black square
private boolean isValidNonjump(CheckersSquare oldSq,
CheckersSquare newSq)
// Return "move oldSq to newSq is valid jump for player
// colorToPlay". Assume oldSq contains piece and that
// newSq is an empty black square
private boolean isValidjump(CheckersSquare oldSq,
CheckersSquare newSq)
// clickflag=1. If pieces on oldSq and newSq have same
// color, switch to moving the piece on newSq. Otherwise
// try to move piece from oldSq to square newSq. If not
// possible, give error message; if possible, do it and
// switch players
public void processClickTwo(CheckersSquare newSq)
CS100A, Lecture 16, 27
October 1998