Request for [Quotation / Proposal/Tender] for [insert details of goods or services]

Request for [Quotation / Proposal/Tender]
[insert details of goods or services]
Proposal Issue Date: [insert date]
Response closes at 2.00pm on [insert day and date]
Responses must be delivered to:
[Insert email address of University contact or Tenderlink system details – See
Clause 2.9 in the template]
Contact for inquiries:
[Insert name and contact details]
Notes on document use:
Yellow highlighted sections must be completed
Blue highlighted sections may be amended as necessary
Non-highlighted areas are generic conditions or requirements that may be changed where necessary but
should be generally used in the majority of cases.
Please remove this box and all highlighting prior to document release
Table of Contents
Section A – Conditions of Quotation/Tender ........................................................................................... 3
1. Objectives ............................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Outline .............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Nature of Contract ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Duration of the Agreement ............................................................................................................... 3
2. Process ................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Structure of the Documents ............................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Enquiries and Clarification ............................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Eligibility to Quote ............................................................................................................................ 3
2.4 Completion of Responses ................................................................................................................ 4
2.5 Alternative Proposals ....................................................................................................................... 4
2.6 Discrepancies, Errors and Omissions .............................................................................................. 4
2.7 Respondent’s Due Diligence ............................................................................................................ 4
2.8 Validity Period .................................................................................................................................. 4
2.9 Lodgement of Responses ................................................................................................................ 4
Late Responses ........................................................................................................................... 5
Costs or Expenses ....................................................................................................................... 5
Confidentiality .............................................................................................................................. 5
3. Evaluation and Approval .................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Evaluation of Responses ................................................................................................................. 5
3.2 Rights of the University .................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Acceptance of Responses ............................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Award of Contract ............................................................................................................................ 6
Section B Specification .............................................................................................................................. 7
Section C Standard Conditions of Contract ............................................................................................. 8
Section D – Response ................................................................................................................................ 9
1. FORM D1 - RESPONSE FORM ......................................................................................................... 10
2. FORM D2 – ADHERENCE TO SPECIFICATION............................................................................... 11
3. FORM D3 – WHOLE OF LIFE COSTS ............................................................................................... 12
4. FORM D4 - SUSTAINABILITY ............................................................................................................ 13
5. FORM D4 – RESPONDENT’S OFFER .............................................................................................. 14
6. FORM D6 - SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE ......................................................................................... 15
7. FORM D& – UNIVERISTY AGREEMENT .......................................................................................... 16
8. FORM D8 – PROPOSAL DETAILS .................................................................................................... 17
Section A – Conditions of Quotation/Tender
The University seeks Responses for [insert details].
Nature of Contract
Respondents are required to propose a fee for the entire scope of goods or services described in Section
For any elements identified as “other” a full description should be provided.
Duration of the Agreement
[Include details of the required date for completion of the commission or any other critical time line issues]
Structure of the Documents
The Documents are made up of Sections A to D. Retain Sections A, B and C when submitting a
response. Complete Section D and submit by the closing date for responses.
Section A – Conditions of Quotation/Tender
Section B – Specifications
Section C – Standard Conditions of Contract
Section D – Response
Section A contains the rules and guidelines for
submitting a response
Section B describes the University’s specification
for the goods or services
Section C sets out the contractual terms upon
which the successful respondent will be engaged
to perform the Services
Section D contains the questions that must be
answered by the Respondent and details the
material to be provided as part of its Response.
The University will use this information to
evaluate responses
Enquiries and Clarification
Respondents may seek clarification of any part of the Documents or request additional information. All
enquiries must be in writing, signed by the Respondent and submitted no later than 5 business days
before the Response closing date. Enquiries may be submitted by email to:
[Insert University contact name and title]
Any information given to a Respondent to clarify any aspect of the Documents will also be given to other
Respondents if in the University’s opinion the information would unfairly favour the inquiring Respondent.
Eligibility to Respond
Responses must be submitted by a legal entity whether an individual, sole trader or a corporation, with
the capacity to contract. The University will only contract with the relevant legal entity.
The University may ask a Respondent to provide evidence of its legal status or capacity to contract. If
Responses from trustees are accepted for consideration, the University may request a copy of the
relevant trust deed. Any evidence requested is to be provided within 3 business days of the request.
The University will not consider an entity that does not have an Australian Business Number (ABN) and is
not registered for GST. Respondents must state their ABN in their Proposal.
Respondents that do not have an ABN and/or are not registered for GST may be considered at the
University’s discretion if the Respondent demonstrates that it will obtain an ABN and GST registration
before entering into a Contract with the University. Such Respondents must state when they intend to
obtain an ABN and register for GST in their Proposal.
Completion of Responses
A Response must:
be completed in indelible ink and in the English language;
be submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Documents; and
be submitted in the format of the Response Schedules in Section D.
The Response must include an address, not a post office box, for service of notices for the purposes of its
Each Response must include contact details of an authorised representative of the Respondent for
Unless otherwise specified, measurements must be expressed in Australian legal units of measurement
and all prices stated in the Response are to be stated in Australian dollars.
Respondents must not change any pre-existing text in the Response Schedules other than to insert the
required information.
All copies of the Response must be signed by the Respondent’s authorised representative.
Alternative Proposals
A Response must be submitted strictly in accordance with the Documents. An alternative proposal will
only be accepted if it accompanies a conforming proposal and is clearly marked as alternative.
Discrepancies, Errors and Omissions
Should the Respondent find any discrepancy, error or omission in the Documents, they must email the
contact officer for inquiries on the front page of this Document by email before the closing time and date
for Responses.
Respondent’s Due Diligence
The Respondent is required to and is deemed to have done everything that would be expected of a
prudent, competent and experienced consultant in:
assessing the risks that it may assume under a contract arising from the process; and
ensuring that its price contains allowances to protect it against any of these risks including all of
those things, activities and tasks set out in Section B.
Validity Period
Responses are to remain valid for a period of 3 months from the closing date. All responses are deemed
to be irrevocable for the validity period.
Lodgement of Responses
Responses must be delivered to:
[FOR QUOTES: Insert University contact’s email details] by the closing date and time set out on the front
page of this Document.
[FOR TENDERS: responses are to be received using the Tenderlink system.
Procurement Group for more information]
Please contact the
Late Responses
A late Response - defined as a Response which is lodged after the Response closing time, will be
opened and registered separately.
A late Response may be excluded from consideration unless the University otherwise determines that it is
appropriate for the late Response to be considered. A late response will not be considered if it provides
an advantage to the Respondent.
Costs or Expenses
The University will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by any Respondent in preparing
or lodging its Response, or in respect of any discussions, negotiations, enquiries or any Services
undertaken by the Respondent after its Response is submitted.
The University is under no obligation to proceed with the whole or any part of the project as contemplated
by the RFQ/RFT Documents or at all. If the University decides not to proceed with the project or any part,
the Respondent will not be entitled to make and the University will not be liable for any claim, cost,
expense, loss or damage suffered or incurred by the Respondent arising out of, or in any way in
connection with, such decision.
Respondents to this process must agree to treat any information they are given about the University,
including information about the communications network, computer systems, staff, or other aspects of the
University, as privileged and confidential. This information may only be discussed with designated
University employees and consultants engaged by the University to assist with the process and must not
be disclosed to anyone other party outside the University. The University agrees to treat similar
information provided to it by respondents as privileged and confidential.
Evaluation and Approval
Evaluation of Responses
Responses will be evaluated on the basis of the Response representing the best value for money.
In considering the best value for money, the University will, among other matters (and not in any order of
priority), take into account the following evaluation criteria (EC):
Adherence to Specification: Fit of the offered items to
the specification.
Section D - Form D2
Whole of Life Costs: Running, maintenance, repair
and spare parts costs across the life of the equipment.
Section D - Form D3
Sustainability: Environmental performance of the
product including considerations such as disposal and
end of life costs
Section D – Form D4
Respondent’s Offer
Section D – Form D5
Section D - Form D6
UWS Agreement: Any amendments to Standard UWS
agreement (Section C)
Section D – Form D7
Proposal Documents
Section D - Form D8
[Amend or insert any other criteria as necessary. These can use the indicated headings or others can be
added as necessary. These should match the Procurement Plan where completed]
Rights of the University
The University may in its absolute discretion and at any stage of the process, do all or any of the
accept or reject, in whole or part, any Response;
require clarification or additional information from any Respondent;
change the scope of the Services or other requirements of the Documents;
vary, amend (including by replacement) or terminate the process;
if the University rejects all Responses, invite fresh Responses based on the same or different
criteria; and
consider any non-conforming or late Response.
Acceptance of Responses
Submission of Responses does not in any way create an agreement nor does it create an obligation to
award a contract to any Respondent.
The University is not bound to accept the lowest priced Response, part of a Response or any Response.
The University will notify Respondents in writing whether they are the preferred Respondent or whether
their Responses have been unsuccessful.
The University reserves the right to accept bids for any part of the tender or any combination thereof. The
University may offer all or part of the work to one or more of the Respondents.
Award of Contract
A Response will not be deemed to be accepted unless and until an Agreement in the form set out in
Section C is signed by the Respondent and the University.
Section B Specification
[Include details of the goods or services required.
It is preferable that you include a performance based technical specification that does not unduly restrict
the suppliers.
You may need to attach a separate document or other sources. In this case refer to these here to provide
the respondents with a checklist to ensure they are all received.]
Section C Standard Conditions of Contract
[Advice on the suitability of a standard University agreement is to be sought from the Procurement Office
or the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC). If a University agreement is to be used, it should be inserted into
this section
If a University agreement is not recommended, it should be noted in this section their advice that either
suppliers should provide their preferred from of contract or that contractual terms will be negotiated
separately once a supplier is selected.]
[Insert Details]
Section D – Response
Response closes at 2.00pm on [insert day and date]
[Respondent’s details:]
Name of Respondent:
(the “Respondent”)
Is the Respondent a corporation/partnership/individual/proprietor/other:
ABN (and ARBN if applicable):
Respondent’s Address:
Contact Person (and proposed Consultant’s Representative):………………….
Telephone No.:
Facsimile No.:
Mobile No.:
Email Address:
Address for service of notices:
(Signature of Authorised Person)
(Signature of Authorised Person)
(Name of signatory)
(Name of signatory)
(Note: The proposal is to be signed by a representative of the Company who has the authority to provide
a binding proposal for the services required).
Respondents are to provide the following information regarding their compliance with the
a) Does the product comply with all conditions of the specification (refer to Section C Specification)?
Respondents please note that any departures from the Specification must be identified in this
Schedule. The University does not warrant that it will consider any departures to the Specification
raised by a Respondent post lodging an Offer.
b) If “NO”, please state the clause(s) and provide details of reason(s) for departure from the
Specification and why the product should be considered.
Reasons for not meeting the Specification
Why the product should be considered
The Respondent should list below factors affecting the Whole of Life Costs for their product.
These factors should include running, maintenance, repair and spare parts costs where
The Respondent should list below factors affecting the sustainability of their product or service.
These factors should include use of sustainable products in manufacturing, environmental
performance, disposal, recycling and end of life costs.
Business Name
Telephone No: ..................................... Email:............................................... Fax No.: ...........................
herewith submit our offer to carry out the services defined the RFQ/RFT for [insert item or service details]
The Fee comprises the following components
Total Fee
Company Name
_______________________________________________ Date __________________
Name/s of Authorised _______________________________________________________________________
The Respondent must attach to this Schedule a copy of a certificate of currency for each
policy of insurance required under the Standard Conditions of Contract. Respondents
should note that certificates from insurers (as opposed to insurance brokers) should be
If required by the University the Respondent must provide a full copy of each insurance
policy required under the Standard Conditions of Contract.
Respondents who are unable to satisfy the University of their compliance with the insurance
requirements may be set aside by the University, at is sole discretion, from further
evaluation without recourse to the Respondent.
[To be used if advised that a standard University agreement is to be included with Schedule C]
Respondents are to provide the following information regarding their compliance with the
conditions of Contract:
c) Are you willing to comply with all Conditions of the Agreement (refer to Section C Conditions of Contract)?
Respondents please note that any departures from the draft Conditions of Contract must be identified
in this Schedule. The University does not warrant that it will consider any departures to the draft
Conditions of Contract raised by a Respondent post lodging an Offer.
d) If “NO”, please state the clause(s) and provide details of reason(s) for departure from the
clause in the Conditions of Contract and any proposed alternative wording.
Clause Number
Reasons for not meeting the conditions of the
Alternative Wording for Clause
The respondent is to attach any relevant the details of the products or services in this
Where additional documents are provides, the respondent is to identify them in this section
to ensure receipt.