Tutorial 5 - Case 1 Doc-Centric Copiers

Tutorial 5 - Case 1 Doc-Centric Copiers
You'll use the following files in the Doc-Centric Web presentation:
• dcc.htm, a frame layout of all of the Doc-Centric Web pages
• dccmwhtrn, a page describing sales data for the Midwest region
• dccne.htm, a page describing sales data for the Northeast region
• dccs.htm, a page describing sales data for the South region
• dccw.htm, a page describing sales data for the West region
• head.htm, a page with the company logo
• map.hnn, a page with a map of the company's sales regions
• report.htm, a page welcoming shareholders to the convention
To create the Doc-Centric Copiers sales presentation:
1. Using your text editor, open dcctxt.htm from the tutorial.05/case I folder on your Data Disk, and save it as dcc.htm in the same
2. Create a frame layout with the following design documents:
• The layout contains two columns with a blue frame border, 10 pixels in wl (Ith. The first frame should be 240 pixels wide. The
second frame should occuj).~ tll~ remaining space in the design window.
• Create two rows of nested frames in the first frame. The first row should be 75 pixels high; the second row should fill up the
remaining space. Display the contents of the head.hun file in the first row. Display the contents of the map.hnii file in the second row.
Name the first frame "logo", the second frame "ustnapi),
• In the second frame, display the contents of the report.htm file. Name the frame "reports".
• Add comments describing the contents of the various frames.
3. Using your text editor, open maptxt.hun and save it as map.htm.
4. Direct each link in the map.htm file to the reports target, so that the pages will appear in the reports frame. Save your changes and
close the file.
5. Using your text editor, open headtxt.hun and save it as head.htm. Direct the hyperlinks in this file to the reports target. Close the
file, saving your changes.
6. Use your Web browser to view dcc.htm. What improvements could be made to the page? What should be removed?
7. Return to dcc.htirn in your text editor and reduce the margin for the logo frame to 1 pixel. Reduce the margin width for the usmap
frame to 1 pixel, and change that frame's margin height to 30 pixels.
8. Remove scroll bars from both the logo and usmap frames.
9. View the Web page again to verify that the problems you identified in Step 6 have been resolved.
10. Return to dcc.htm in your text editor, and lock the size of the frames to prevent users from chanffinLy the frame sizes.
11. Using your Web browser, reload dcc.htm and test the image map in the usmap frame. Verify that each of the four sales reports is
correctly displayed in the reports frame. Click the company logo in the upper-left frame and verify that it redisplays the opening page
in the reports frame.
12. Print a page displaying one of the sales reports. Print a copy of the dcc.htm and map.htm files.
13. Hand in your files and printouts to your instructor.