Chapter 6 Homework Questions

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ITSC 1301 Introduction to Computers
Chapter 6 Homework Questions
True or False. Type in a "T" or "F" in the blank to the left of the question.
__ 1.
Fax equipment is used to transmit and receive documents over phone lines.
__ 2.
Non-impact printing means that printing occurs without a mechanism striking the paper.
__ 3.
A Data Projector takes an image displayed on a computer screen and projects it onto a larger
__ 4.
Audio output consists of music, speech, or other sounds that are conveyed to the user from the
__ 5.
Two categories of printers are impact and non-impact.
__ 6.
A band printer is a nonimpact printer that contains a rotating band with shapes of numbers, letters
of the alphabet, and other characters.
__ 7.
A display device is an output device that visually conveys text, graphics, and video information.
__ 8.
Computer plotters cannot produce high quality drawings.
__ 9.
Most dot matrix printers use continuous-form paper.
An ink jet printer is a type of impact printer.
Flat panel displays are used on many portable computers.
The greater the number of pixels, the better the quality of the image.
Output is data that has not been processed.
Multiple Choice. Type your choice for the most correct option in the blank on the left.
__________ use liquid crystal display technology, attaches to a computer and uses its own light
source to display the information shown on the computer screen.
A. Dot addressable displays
C. Gas plasma displays
B. Data projectors
D. Electrostatic plotters
What is soft copy output?
A. Output displayed on a screen
B. Output printed on paper
C. Output saved on a floppy disk
D. Simulation of a three-dimensional environment
_________ is a type of television set that works with digital broadcasting signals and supports a
wider screen and higher resolution display.
A. Cablevision
C. High-definition television
B. Prime-Star
D. None of the above
A ______________ displays text, graphics, and video information in one color.
A. Television
C. Color monitor
B. Monochrome monitor
D. High-definition television
Printers are classified as being either ______________.
A. Low or high speed
C. Impact or nonimpact
B. Small or large
D. Graphic or letter quality
_________ printers have small pins that are contained in a print head.
A. Daisy wheel
C. Band
B. Dot Matrix
D. Chain
What is a plotter?
A. An output device designed to be placed on top of an overhead projector
B. An output device used to produce high-quality drawings
C. An output device that records output as microscopic images on sheet film
D. An output device that can transform words stored in main memory into speech
A single point on a CRT is called a ____________.
A. Pixel
C. Bit
B. Hertz
D. Pitch
Printers are output devices used to produce printed information called _________.
A. Soft copy
C. Firm copy
B. Impact output
D. Hard copy
Which type of printer is considered a high quality page printer?
A. Dot matrix
C. Ink jet
B. Laser
D. Line
A ___________ is a device that performs both input and output.
C. Terminal
A ________ has no processing power, but can be used to transmit data or receive information.
A. Dumb terminal
C. Intelligent terminal
B. Programmable terminal
D. POS terminal