Depersonalization and Derealization: Case Presentation Jaclyn Newman, PGY III

Depersonalization and
Derealization: Case Presentation
Jaclyn Newman, PGY III
• He is 50 year old male who has been in therapy
for 8 years after an inpatient hospitalization
during an impending divorce. He had symptoms
of depression and suicidality during the inpatient
stay, but also noted a very disturbing sense of
not knowing or recognizing his wife during that
time. He says he had a hard time remembering
or feeling connected to the fact that he had ever
been married. He found this very unsettling and
began therapy after discharge.
Mr. Smith
When Mr. Smith begins therapy, he describes
some symptoms that began troubling him during
college. Now that he has been in supportive and
psychodynamic psychotherapy, he has become
very educated about his pscyhiatric history,
family dynamics, current diagnosis. He journals
frequently throughout the day. He has read
several books about his dx. He says he is
diagnosed with MDD, Depersonalization,
Derealiztion, and Borderline Personality DO.
Mr. Smith
• Mr. Smith has very diligent about therapy:
always makes appointments, journals, medicine
• He develops concerns over the 8 years of
therapy about DID DO due to what he describes
as experiencing “ego states”.
• He wants to pursue DID therapy, even though he
has reservations about changing therapists after
so many years. The therapeutic alliance has
been very positive experience, but his therapist
refers him to explore DID diagnosis.
Mr. Smith
Upon our first meeting, he presents a well-organized, typed sheet of
symptoms that he says began in college: page 1 about DP/DR.
He also presents a typed sheet describing each “ego state” he has
experienced: railroad smith, little boy smith, gay smith, young professional
smith, ect….
He is knowledgeable about his current dx, well read, compliant. He is highly
educated, currently close to finishing his phD dissertation in his field and
has recently published a book in his field.
2 inpatient hospitalizations, no actual suicide attempts. He continues to
have passive thoughts about death. Denies AH,VH. No substance abuse.
He describes his mother has “BPDO”: verbally abusive, critical, emotionally
abusive. No hx of sexual abuse.
He has been married for 22 years, but had little to no sexual contact before
he was married at age 36. 2 Stepchildren. His wife has serious gambling
Current meds: Effexor 300mg QD and Buspar 40mg QD
“numbing-don’t seem able to feel any emotion”
“Disorientation-sometimes I get confused as to what season it is-fall or
spring-I don’t know what season it is. Maybe is takes a minute to figure it
“Parts of my body-at times parts of my body don’t seem to be real or to
belong to me, particularly my hand and arm.”
“Automaton-I hear my voice saying things the way I usually say them, but I
am detached, a couple of feet behind myself, observing”
“I often find myself in the position of the observer, observing myself”.
“I ruminate a lot, it seems like all the time. I ruminate about who I am, where
we come from, where we are going, death, non-existence; I often despair
and panic about these things as if it is absolutely necessary that I know
answers to these questions. “
“Fear of forgetting who I am”. The patient says he sees his therapist and
keeps so many journals because he has a fear that he will suddenly forget
who he is. He says he can read the journals or see his therapist to remind
him of who he is if this ever happens. He references the inpatient
hospitalization and who he forgot he had ever been married.
DSM IV classifies depersonalization among dissociative dx:
A. Persistent or recurrent experiences of feeling detached from, and as if one is an
outside observer of, one’s mental processes or body (e.g. feeling like one is in a
B. During the depersonalization experience, reality testing remains intact.
C. The depersonalization experience does not occur exclusively during the course of
another mental disorder, such as Schizophrenia, Panic Disorder, Acute Stress
Disorder, or another Dissociative Disorder, and is not due to the direct physiological
effects of a substance (e.g. a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical
condition (e.g. temporal lobe epilepsy).
Criteria state patient may have either or both DP and Derealiztion.
Lifetime prevalence is 1%; however DP and DR can be common in childhood and
adolescence. Studies state that 66% of adults experience DP/DR during traumatic
event, such as a car accident. Nearly 80% in-patient psychiatric patients experience
DP/DR during the hospitalization. Most patients who develop DP/DR diagnosis have
first onset during a traumatic event in adulthood.
The patient does not have amnesia during or after episodes. There is no delusional
That neuro stuff
• Neurological conditions that may be associated
with depersonalization: epilepsy, migraine, mild
• Depersonalization can be presenting symptom
of: Alzheimer’s, MS, Neuroborreliosis (Lyme
disease), ALS. May want to consider MRI if
sudden, new onset.
• Lesions have been localized in parietal lobes
• PET scans show patient with DP have abnormal
uptake in parietal, temporal, occipital lobes.
Two Neural Networks Implicated:
• Relevant to the experience of emotional feelings:
amygdala, anterior insula, limbic structures (particularly
anterior cingulate and hypothalamus) structure. This
emotional networks are regulated by the prefrontal
cortex. It is suggested that prefrontal cortex suppression
or inhibition may produce emotional numbing.
• The experience of “embodiment”, feelings of agency
(that one is seamlessly unaware of being in one’s body),
body ownership is governed by parietal and fronto-limbic
tracts. Patients with lesions in these areas experience
The anxiety piece
• Research has shown a cyclic pattern between anxiety
and DP. Patients often experience both DP and anxiety.
The strangeness of feeling of isolation caused by DP
fuels anxiety. Depersonalization mechanism is then
strengthened as a defense against the anxiety.
• This is described as the anxiety process at odds with the
manifestations of anxiety.
• Patients with DP/DR have high serum cortisol as well as
urine/serum metanephrines suggesting higher levels of
anxiety; however, they have frontal-limbic disconnect
from anxiety resulting sluggish autonomics as
demonstrated by blunted skin conductance recordings.
Co-morbidities and common
Depression and anxiety are common psychiatric co-morbidities
OCD is not a common feature: in recent study, less then 6% of patients with OCD have DP/DR.
DP/DR can be associated with BPDO
Patient usually seek help for DP/DR after approximately 12 years of on-going symptoms, onset
typically young adult after traumatic event.
Symptoms begin as episodic, then periods between episodes and length of episodes progress.
Patients typically have “obsess ional self monitoring and self observation”. They journal diligently
and often ponder “If I’m not really me, then who am I?”
DP/DR has no relation to delusional DO or psychosis. Patients have no positive altered
sensorium: hallucinations, paranoia, delusions. Antipsychotics worsen symptoms of DP/DR. Note:
symptoms of DP/DR are very difficult to describe. Most patients will use metaphors and “as if”
language to describe: “It’s as if I’m outside my body”, ect. The “as if” concepts and metaphorical
speaking should be clue that delusional DO and psychosis is not likely the dx as many psychotic
patients fail to use/grasp allegorical or metaphorical concepts.
Dissociation. DP/DR is listed with Dissociative Dos; however, one stand out feature of DP/DR is
that the patient is very aware of symptoms and change in perception of environment/self.
Dissociation DO involve lack of awareness of change in perceptions and are associated with
amnestic quality of symptoms and episodes. DP/DR is thus very different from dissociation.
Affect may range from completely normal, which is most common. There could be some blunting
UK Birth Cohort Study
All single births to married women in March of 1946 among different
backgrounds (N=5362).
The goal is to observe and gather data about these individuals throughout
their lifetime, gather biopsychosocial data and observe outcomes.
These individuals began having psychiatric interviews at age 32, but had
been unknowingly observed and evaluated throughout their lives with
respect to physical, mental health. They have routine psychiatric evals
throughout the remainder of their adult lives.
This is the study that give values of prevalence of DP/DR at .8-1.2% in
The study found no association with socio-economic status, parental death
or divorce, self reported accidents, childhood depression, tendency to
daydream, or reactions to criticism. There was equal gender split.
They did find only one single significant predictor of adult DP: teacher rated
anxiety at age 13. There was also significant predictive value in reported
emotional abuse in childhood (defined as parental criticisms, insults,
shouting, blaming, and scapegoating). There was also associations with
personality disorders in long range outcomes of these individuals.
Back to Mr. Smith
Mr. Smith reports that his mother was very critical, verbally abusive,
emotionally abusive.
He reports that he has always had a difficult time getting close to people. He
had his first intense intimate relationship in college. This was first
(superficial) sexual experience. He says one night, he sat up in middle of
night and “felt something wasn’t right”. The symptoms of DP/DR had
sudden onset that night and have increased in frequency/duration over the
He began to have some identity issues. He says he also began to
experience what he refers to as the emergence of “gay smith”. He struggled
with this for several years.
He developed depression, DP/DR so severe, he was hospitalized in college
and dx: MDD with psychotic features.
He went on to finish college, married at age 36, second hospitalization
during time when divorce seemed imminent. He was diagnosed with MDD,
DP/DR, BPDO at that time.
He has continued to struggle with identity issues, journals daily. Number
one fear is “forgetting who I am”.
• DR is “an alteration in the perception or experience of
the external world so that it seems strange or unreal”.
• In literature, it is described as patient losing “emotional
colouring”. This is the process of the brain adding
memory and experience to produce emotional response
to what we observe around us.
• Patients describe this as loss of emotional response to
visual landscapes. Photos of self and friends/family
produce no emotional response, even though the patient
recognizes the people in the photo.
• Again, affect may be blunted, but if often normal
Patients describe Derealiztion:
“colors are dull”
“the world and landscapes are not interesting”
“people seem odd as if they are actors on a stage
speaking in a robotic way”
“it is as if there is a fog, film, or glass between me and
the world”.
“as I hear music, there is no response in me”
“I know he is my husband next to me by his
appearance, he might be anybody for all I feel towards
“things look flat, like 2D”
Neurology of Derealiztion
• This is also referred to as “visual
hypoemotionality” in neurological models that
explain this process.
• The process has been traced by study of lesions
to right or bilateral occipitotemporal lesions that
disconnect temporal-limbic areas.
• Studies have shown a lack of activity in the
anterior cingulate cortex when DP/DR patients
are exposed to visual images that should
provoke response: such as graphic, gory
images. This relates to inhibition of fronto-limbic
Note about Derealization
• DP and DR are listed as criteria A. Patient may
have DP or DR to meet criteria.
• Research has conclusively shown that DR does
not occur independently of depersonalization;
although one may have depersonalization
without derealization.
• If patient presents with complaint of depression,
panic attacks and palpitations, tremors,
derealization without depersonalization, the
diagnosis is……..
Labyrinthitis until proven otherwise.
Labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the inner ear. Patients can experience vertigo,
derealization, panic attacks, depression, tinnitus, vestibular symptoms.
There are interesting theories linking these symptoms:
1. Psychosomatic model: vestibular dysfunction occurs as a result of anxiety
2. Somatopsychic model: panic disorder triggers misinterpreted internal stimuli that
are interpreted as signifying imminent physical danger. Heightened sensitivity to
vestibular sensations leads to increased anxiety and, though conditioning, drives the
development of panic disorder
3. Network alarm theory: panic which involves noradrenergic, serotonergic, and other
connected neuronal systems….panic can be triggered by stimuli that set off “false
alarm” via afferents to the locus ceruleus, which then triggers neuronal network. The
network mediates anxiety through limbic, midbrain, prefrontal tracks. Vestibular
dysfunction in the setting of increased locus ceruleus sensitivity may be a potential
What is first line tx? SSRI. SSRIs have shown neuronal repair and growth in the
labyrinth and should be considered first line tx for suspected labyrinthitis. Although
steroids, antibiotics, antivirals may be considered for underlying causes, often the
underlying cause could be trauma or may remain undetermined, SSRIs are shown to
affect long term outcomes.
• Excessive Caffeine intake can induce
derealization. If patient presents with
exclusive complaint of derealization,
tremor, palpitations, review caffeine intake.
• Studies have shown large doses of
benzos can resolve caffeine induced
Mr. Smith
• Mr. Smith describes derealization symptoms as:
• “Glass barrier-as if there is a pane of glass between me
and the outside world. Or, as if I am in glass bubble.
• “The mirror-when I look into a large mirror it is as if I see
the real me and the real world, and I am inside the mirror
looking out”.
• “Familiar places look strange-as if I am on an alien
planet or as if I am in the 1940s. Colors look intense or
like heaven”.
• “Numbing-I often feel like there is a filth, dark/grey hazy
dullness, veil-like fog”
Approaching Treatment for DP/DR
• Getting started: start with the Cambridge
Depersonalization Scale. This is a tool that is
widely used and respected in research for
following pharmacological tx and tracking
symptoms as way to gage effectiveness of
treatment. It is free on-line.
• There are 29 symptoms of DP/DR on scale and
patient is asked to give ratings of frequency and
duration of each symptom.
• Re-test your patient at 12 weeks intervals after
changing medication regimen.
• Psychotherapy has not yielded significant improvement in DP/DR
symptoms in cohort studies
• SSRIs have shown no significant improvement, there are no studies
demonstrating effectiveness of SSRI on DP/DR symptoms; however,
patients with DP/DR frequently have depression and anxiety.
Citalopram or Effexor are popular choices for management of
depression, anxiety in DP/DR patients.
• Benzos. There are some Klonopin studies that do not show
impressive results for symptoms; patient reported mixed results for
• Antipsychotics have been shown to worsen DP/DR symptoms and
should be avoided.
• A interesting double blind study published in February 2012 showed
patients have 50% reduction in Cambridge DP scores after 12
weeks on Lamictal 300mg PO QDay. Lamictal seems to the
emerging treatment of choice for the symptoms of DP/DR.
• Mr. Smith is in process of taking
Cambridge DP Scale and is considering
Lamictal trial to add to regimen of Buspar
and Effexor.
What about Ego States?
• Mr. Smith states that he experiences the emergence of several “ego
states”. He has never had an amnestic episode in which another
personality emerges and “takes over”. He describes being aware
that he changes dress, mannerisms, mind-sets, beliefs, behaviors
when feeling presence of “ego states”: gay smith, little boy smith,
dad, slasher, young professional smith, railroad smith, ect.
• He does not display classic Dissociative Identity Disorder: there is
not dissociation and amnestic episodes. He finds these ego states
very unsettling and disturbing. Like the DP/DR symptoms, he is
acutely aware of the symptoms/influence/presence of these ego
states and wants treatment….
• There is not literature linking DP/DR to this ego state experience.
• Perhaps ego states are product of personality disorder features?
• Could the ego states be a product of obsessive self analysis, identity
crisis common in DP/DR patients?
• Thank you and enjoy the weekend!
• Dr. Kelley precepts this case.
• References available upon request.