Terms and Conditions for the Use of the University’s

Terms and Conditions for the Use of the University’s
Computer and Network Facilities
1. This document contains a summary of the terms and conditions for using the
University’s computer and network facilities (hereafter referred to as ‘the facilities’.
Users are required to indicate their agreement with these terms when activating their
computer account. Any user with an activated computer account is deemed to have
agreed to abide by these terms.
2. Each user is responsible for ensuring that his or her use of the facilities is in
accordance with the University’s regulations. The present document is not
exhaustive, and must be read in conjunction with and in the context of the
University’s regulations as published on the University’s web-site.
3. The University expects all computer users to make responsible use of the facilities.
IT Services publishes guidelines on a range of common issues, including the
responsible use of email, keeping personal disk usage to a minimum, keeping
personal computers secure, publishing material on the web and maintaining secure
passwords. All users should familiarise themselves with this material. Repeated
and wilful disregard of the guidelines may be regarded as a breach of these terms
and conditions.
4. Use of the facilities is governed by the law. Users are particularly warned not to
download and store copyright material (eg software, movies, music, images or text)
without permission from the copyright holder; not to send abusive, defamatory or
indecent emails; not to send unsolicited bulk emails; and not to attempt to obtain
unauthorised access to any computer system, in the University or elsewhere. This
list of illegal activities is not exhaustive. Information on many Acts affecting the use
of the facilities is given on the University’s web-site. This information is for
guidance, and each user is responsible for ensuring that his or her use of the facilities
is in accordance with the law.
5. Members of the University and other authorised users are given access to the
facilities on condition that they use them appropriately. Access to the facilities is
controlled by authentication tokens (username and password). Access to a user’s
own personal data and email is controlled by username and password. Access to
data and services is in some cases restricted according to a user’s role within the
6. Users are given access to the facilities for purposes of study or to carry out the
business of the University. Use of the facilities for personal, recreational and social
purposes is not forbidden, provided it does not infringe the law or the University’s
regulations and does not interfere with other people’s use of the facilities. Users may
not use the University’s facilities for business or professional purposes not connected
with and authorised by the University, or for any purpose likely to damage the
reputation of the University.
7. Authority given to a user may not be extended or transferred to any other person
or persons. In particular, a user must not allow any other person (whether a member
of the University or otherwise) to access the facilities by way of his or her personal
username and password. Users must not divulge their personal passwords to
anyone. The University’s IT support staff will never ask users to divulge their
8. The IT Services Network Connection policy governs the connection to the
University network of any computer or other electronic device, whether owned by
the University or not. Users are responsible for ensuring that any device that they
connect to the network is free from viruses. No computer attached to the network
may provide services (eg web-hosting, file-sharing or file-transfer services) without
the explicit permission of the Director of IT Services.
9. The University network gives users access to the Internet by way of the UK
Academic Network (JANET). Users are bound by the JANET rules governing
acceptable use of the network.
10. Users who obtain software or computer equipment through the University must
abide by any copyright or other conditions. In particular suppliers may provide
goods under special terms and conditions for educational use only; definitions of
educational use vary from one supplier to another, and users are responsible for
ensuring that they do not breach the suppliers’ conditions.
11. The University makes every effort to ensure the reliability and integrity of the
facilities, but cannot guarantee that the facilities will be available or working
correctly at all times. The University does not accept responsibility for
inconvenience or consequential loss caused by failure of its systems or those of its
suppliers; nor does the University accept responsibility for loss or damage to
computer equipment, software or data that may occur as a result of the actions of its
employees or failures of the its systems or network connections.
12. Those who supply the University with equipment, software and services place
limits on their responsibility, and users should not expect to be compensated for
damage to equipment or data, or for any losses that result from failures of systems
and services supplied to or through the University.
13. Subject to the University’s disciplinary procedures, the Director of IT Services
may authorise: (a) the disconnection from the network of any computer that is
believed to be infringing the network connection policy or impeding the work of the
University; (b) the partial or complete withdrawal of access privileges, for example
access to email, from any user who has failed to comply with the terms and
14. Subject to the University’s disciplinary procedures and policies on privacy, the
Director of IT Services may authorise actions necessary for the investigation of any
suspected breach of University regulations or any threat to computer or network
security. Investigations may involve the impounding of computer equipment,
whether or not it is owned by the University, and the accessing of data belonging to