Strategic Planning and Budgeting Committee December 7, 2011 3-5 p.m. Library Marine Room

Strategic Planning and Budgeting Committee
December 7, 2011
3-5 p.m.
Library Marine Room
Linda Schmitigal (Chair), Associate Professor of Management
William Eilola, Vice President of Enrollment and Marketing/President’s Council
Tracey MacQuarrie, ESP Representative
Paul Weber, Engineering Faculty
Maurice Walworth, Provost
Mary Jo Meehan, Assistant Professor/Counselor
Sherry Brooks, Vice President of Finance/Presidents Council
George Denger, Communications Professor
Ramsay D’ave, Student Representative
Deborah Faust, Director of Financial Aid/Administrative Professionals
John Roese, Professor of Biology
Roxanne Morris, Student Representative
Donna Fiebelkorn, Dean Representative
October 19 minutes approved.
Mission, Vision, and Core Values
The Board of Trustees passed mission/vision/shared values statements at its November 11 meeting. Morrie
is updating campus communications with the new statements.
Strategic Plan
Each member of the President’s Cabinet has started working with stakeholders in each area to identify
performance indicators of the objectives and indicators/outcomes measures. The intent is to have the results
of this work back to the SPBC by mid-January to complete the Balanced Scorecard before recommending it
to the President.
Budget Guidelines
Sherry distributed a draft of the Budget Development Guidelines. Members of the committee are to review
the document. Linda will distribute the document electronically so members can send comments or editing
changes to Sherry before the semester break begins. Linda will draft language regarding incorporating the
budget process into the strategic planning balanced scorecard document. Sherry will also identify the fund
balances and the plans for the funds so the committee can coordinate the planning process with the budget.
Strategic Initiatives If money is available for strategic initiatives, we will know by next semester and we
will repeat last spring’s process.
Tentative Budget calendar with target dates
Morrie moved to approve calendar, Paul second with the change in the February date to 22 or 24.
Deb expressed concern about the pace and can budget managers get their work done as she has not read the
proposal. The calendar was approved.
Transfer funds for Athletics and Foundation discussion. The Board of Trustees approved $400,000 transfer
to Foundation and an annual $200,000 transfer to Hockey from the General Fund. The committee discussed
its advisory role in creating a budget for the Board to approve. We need to keep the Board more information
of activities and recommendations from the SPBC.
Next Meeting
Our next meeting will be January 4, 2012 from 3-5 in the Administration Conference Room.
Submitted by
Linda Schmitigal
December 8, 2011