Diction-a writer’s word choice. (formal vs. informal)

Diction-a writer’s word choice. (formal vs. informal)
Connotation-attitude or a feeling associated with a word.
Denotation-dictionary meaning of a word.
Tone-author’s attitude; feelings of the writer.
Mood-feeling the writer creates for the reader. (How the reader feels while
reading the literary work).
Alliteration-repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words.
Allusion-reference to a famous person, place, event, or literary work.
Hyperbole-the truth is exaggerated for emphasis or humorous effect.
Imagery-descriptive words that re-create sensory experiences for the reader.
Metaphor-direct comparison between two unlike things.
Satire-making fun of a serious issue for the purpose of improving society.
Simile-comparison between two unlike things using like or as
Tragic Hero-main character who has a tragic flaw, a weakness that brings about
his or her downfall.
Conflict-struggle between opposing forces (problem).
Characterization-the way a writer creates and develops characters’ personalities.
Setting-time and place of the action of the literary work.
Plot-the sequence of events in a story.
Theme-underlying message about life or human nature that the writer wants the
reader to understand.
Allegory-a story with multiple levels of meaning.