
How can I distinguish the similarities and
differences of scientific theory and
scientific law?
An observable and measurable phenomenon.
 Theory
An explanation of a phenomenon that is
supported by facts.
A rule that describes a pattern in nature.
An observable and measurable phenomenon.
 Examples
of scientific facts:
the number of ribs in a squirrel's body
the average speed of a horse
the weight of a paper clip
An ATTEMPT to explain a pattern that
occurs over and over again is called a
scientific theory. Theories must be
supported by facts and tested many
times. Theories are the best
explanations to a problem that we
have so far. They are not necessarily
right and they can change.
Theory of General Relativity
The big bang theory
An explanation of a phenomenon that is supported
by facts.
A RULE that describes a pattern is
called a scientific law. For something
to become a law, it must be tested and
tested many times to be sure it is
correct. Laws are different from
theories because they don’t tell why
something happens, or how it happens.
Laws just simply describe it
happening. Laws do not usually
Newton’s first of the three laws states
an object in motion stays in motion
unless acted upon by an outside
Results of Scientific Inquiry (cont.)