Selection Policy Committee Task 1:

Selection Policy Committee
Task 1: Look at Section II Selection Development Policy and Section VI Technology.
2. Evaluate what is missing and needs to be written. Example: Policies for eReaders, digital materials,
ebooks, online subscription services (i.e. Overdrive). Because formats change, be as generic as possible.
I suggest you stress content over devices. Bring Your Own Device is already available in Grades 6-12 and
I suspect it will be available for K-12 soon. Plan for what you are pretty sure will happen, consider
writing a policy so that it can accommodate what no one can predict will happen with a few changes as
possible. (Be open and general. Don’t try to legislate every single thing.)
3. Look at other selection policies from school districts around Texas.
4. Look at the research for quality materials (ex: Buffy Hamilton’s policies).
5. Draft policies for each area making sure to follow good research procedures and board policy. Please
make sure they answer the following questions:
a. Does it reflect the way students learn in the 21st century?
b. Does it reflect the leanings of the School Board?
c. Does it reflect the AASL and ISTE standards and ELAR Research TEKS?
6. Work with the other committee to make sure everything is covered and to draft a cohesive document
reflecting selection of all types of materials.
Task 2: Look at Section II Selection Development Policy.
2. Evaluate what is missing and needs to be written. Example: Policies for Fiction, Nonfiction,
Biography. You may use what is written for Picture and Wordless books as a guide. Or do you want to
write one document to cover all areas?
3. Look at other selection policies from school districts around Texas.
4. Draft policies for each area making sure to follow good research procedures and board policy (i.e.
multicultural materials). Please make sure they answer the following questions:
a. Does it reflect the way students learn in the 21st century?
b. Does it reflect the leanings of the School Board?
c. Does it reflect the AASL and ISTE standards and ELAR Research TEKS?
Task 3: Draft policies for materials are promoted through author and storytelling visits. For example:
Do we want to allow authors to visit just because they are “free” or have a hook. My feeling is if you
wouldn’t purchase the materials for your library with your budget, why would you want to promote
those materials to your students.