The Great Depression: 1929-1940

AP History
Mr. Dunn
Chapter 25-26 Study Guide
The Great Depression: 1929-1940
Important terms people, and ideas
Black Tuesday
Causes of the Depression
Dust Bowl
Scottsboro Case
The Popular Front
Socialist Party
The Grapes of Wrath
Herbert Hoover
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
Bonus Army
Franklin Roosevelt
1. When was Black Tuesday and what took place on that date?
2. Name and explain the four major factors leading to the Great Depression.
3. What was the unemployment rate in the following cities?
4. How did state and local govts. as well as charities attempt to deal with the relief of the unemployed?
5. Describe the conditions found in the Dust Bowl.
6. Who were the Okies and how did they deal with the Dust Bowl crisis?
7. Describe the impact of the Great Depression on African Americans.
8. Describe the circumstances surrounding the Scottsboro Case and the eventual outcome.
9. Describe how the Depression affected the following groups of people.
Asian Americans
10. Who was the popular front?
11. Why did the popular front soften its attitude towards Franklin Roosevelt?
12. What was the slogan of the popular front and what did they accomplish?
13. Explain the view of the Socialist Party and the group they targeted for support.
14. Who wrote the Grapes of Wrath and what was the underlying message of the book?
15. Describe Hoover’s policy of Voluntarism and the reasons it failed.
16. Describe the ways in which Hoover proposed to help the farmers.
17. What is a hooverville and why was it given this name?
18. Describe the RFC. Why did it fail?
19. Bonus Army
Who made up the Bonus Army?
What did they want?
What happened to them?
20. What did Roosevelt promise the people? How did he describe this program?
The New Deal: 1933-1939
Important people, terms, and ideas
New Deal
Fireside chats
Bank Holiday
21st amendment
Section 7a
Glass Steagall Act
Dr. Francis Townsend
Townsend Plan
Charles E. Coughlin
Huey Long
Share our Wealth
2nd New Deal
21. What was a fireside chat?
22. Describe the Emergency Banking Act.
NLRA/Wagner Act
Industrial Unionism
Sit down strike
Francis Perkins
Social Security
Court Packing
Roosevelt Recession
Welfare State
23. What was the 21st amendment and when was it passed?
24. Describe what AAA stands for and what it provided for.
25. Why did the Supreme Court rule the AAA unconstitutional?
26. Describe what NRA stands for and the blanket codes it set.
27. What did Section &a of the NIRA promise workers?
28. How did the Supreme Court deal with the NRA?
29. What was the TVA and what did it accomplish?
30. What did the Glass-Steagall Act accomplish?
31. What does SEC stand for and what was it designed to do?
32. What does CWA stand for and what types of jobs did it create?
33. What does CCC stand for and what types of jobs did it create?
34. Describe the Townsend Plan.
35. Describe Father Charles E. Coughlin’s ideas.
36. Describe Huey Long’s Share-Our Wealth plan.
37. Describe the Wagner Act and its improvement over section &z of the NIRA.
38. Describe the concept of industrial unionism.
39. What was the CIO and how was it different than the AFL?
40. Why was a sit down strike an important tool?
41. Who was Francis Perkins?
42. Describe the different programs within the Social Security Act.
43. WPA
What does it stand for?
What types of jobs did it provide?
How did it compare to the CWA?
44. Describe Roosevelt’s court packing plan.
45. What were the ultimate results of the court packing plan?
46. What was Roosevelt’s Recession and why did it take place?
47. When and why did the New Deal come to an end?
48. Why did the Great Depression end?
49. Describe how the New Deal created the basis of the federal welfare state.