America: 1970’s – TODAY Objective: President Nixon

America: 1970’s – TODAY
Main Idea
President Nixon
The Energy Crisis & Stagflation
____________ – high inflation & unemployment (U.S. $$$
losing value)
Energy Crisis – scarce energy sources & ________________
OPEC (___________________________): hoped to maintain
a high price for __________________________________
revealed how dependent America is on foreign oil
Project Independence (Nixon’s plan): end use of foreign oil…
_________________ – foreign policy of cooperating with
communist nations
China – became close Allies & helped weaken Chinese support
for ________________________________
Soviet Union – “_____________” – limited number & types of
nuclear missiles each country could have
office complex in D.C. (housing the ___________________
_______________________ headquarters)
___________ of camera equipment & secret electronic
recording devices; burglars worked for ____________
this incident led to the revealing of hidden illegal campaign
contributions & dirty tricks used by ___________
administration (“_________________”)
“Deep Throat” ___________________
Woodward & Bernstein – journalists who reported the story
Nixon had all his conversations taped while in office; he was
forced to turn over those tapes; ____________________
_____________, Speaker of the House, becomes President &
President Jimmy Carter
pardons Nixon (disliked for this, does not win reelection)
PROBLEM: economy & energy crisis!!!
Inflation & oil prices still on the rise… tries to convince
Americans to ________________________!
Reject realpolitik & pushed for __________________
giving less aid to former foreign allies & giving more aid to
developing countries (ex. ______________________)
lost connection/”friendship” with Soviet Union
Iran hostage crisis
Problems with the Middle
U.S. got involved in _______ govt. in 1950’s & helped put the
_______ in power
in the 1970’s, Iranians rejected this shah’s power (western
thinker) & wanted the __________________ (a Muslim
religious fundamentalist) in power
____________________ – revolutionaries attacked U.S
Embassy in Iran & captures 53 Americans (they were
_________ cut off ties with___________
Americans blamed President Carter…
___________ in office
______________________ – govt. could balance budget by
cutting taxes
which would increase _________________ & business
profits… people would then invest their extra income into the
community thus ________________________________
Reagan increased ___________ spending (military industrial
complex), causing…
__________ – amount by which a govt.’s expenditures exceed
Iran-Contra Affair
its revenues
political scandal involved ___________________ (an enemy)
& used the proceeds to ________________ (an anticommunist guerrilla organization in Nicaragua)
_______________ – Reagan’s man who coordinated this
2 evils America is supporting… why???
Iran – in exchange for hostages & become “friends” with them
The End to the Cold War
President George Bush
Contras – fight ___________________
Gorbachev tore down the ______________… symbolized the
ending of the Cold War between ______________________
War on Drugs – an organized effort at home & abroad to
using law enforcement to end drug use
The Gulf War – remove ___________________________
(invaded bc of oil) & ensure that Iraq would not invade Saudi
___________________________– air attacks against Iraq
Success with the War on Aggression!
President Bill Clinton
But Bush let ______________________ stay in power…
American foreign policy = policing the world (ex. Bosnia, Iraq,
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” – his policy of __________________
____________________in the military
________________ – Oklahoma City bombing & foreign
embassies (ie. Africa)
was impeached for the _________________ Trial, but not
kicked out of office
________________________________ between Canada,
Mexico, & the U.S. to form the world’s largest free trade area
George W. Bush
has brought ___________________ & rising standards of
living for people in all 3 countries
has also brought more open immigration
September 11th
No Child Left Behind - ______________________ (teaching
requirements, testing, etc)
______________________ – prohibits a form of late term
_____________________ – 2005; costliest natural disaster
in U.S. history; his response questioned
___________________– war to stop the spread of terrorism
War in Iraq – war on stopping dictatorship, _______, oil
supply, spreading democracy
____________ Act – taping in to people’s phones, emails, &
______________, led by ____________________ &
funded by the terrorist group – the ____________, attacked,
by plane, the twin towers in NY, the Pentagon in VA, & one
plane crashed in PA (supposedly on target to the Whitehouse)
estimated 3,000 people died
leads to War on ____________!
War in Iraq
________________ was giving refuge to these terrorists;
therefore, a lot of fighting occurs in this country but we are
NOT at war with Afghanistan
Iraq & Iran are completely separate issues!!!
President Obama
supposedly had Weapons of Mass Destruction, but these were
never found by the U.S. or the U.N. inspectors
_______________ was found, tried by the U.N., and hanged
Economy & Stimulus Package  ______________________
__________________ – closing no
War on Terror – continued; ISIS (____________________)
War in Iraq – ___________________
Global Climate Change
Iran – diplomatic talks
change in average ________________________________
caused by: greenhouse gas concentrations, ozone depletion,
___________________________________________, etc.
Silent Spring – ______________________ launched the
environmental awareness movement
___________ Day – inspire awareness & appreciation of Earth
Rachel Carson – 1930’s; became 1st outspoken ____________
______________ – created to stop the U.S. govt. testing
nuclear devices in Alaska; also got involved with global warming,
whaling, and genetic engineering
_____________ – warming over Pacific; causes earth to react
 tsunamis
advocate the sustainable management of resources and
stewardship of the environment through ______________
Started in early 19th C – grew into what it is today
Go Green!