Graduate Student Government Northeastern University

Graduate Student Government
Northeastern University
Graduate Senate Meeting Agenda
Frost Lounge, Ell Hall
November 26, 2012
I. Meeting was called to order by President Zach Pardey at 12:00 PM
II. Executive Board Member Reports
 President- Zach Pardey
 Vice President of Student Affairs- Rini Ghosh
i. Will vote on Audiology society, and hear from Asia-Pacific Law
Student Assoc group next meeting
 Vice President of Academic Affairs- Lara Lewis
i. Survey will go live tomorrow (Nov 27, 2012)
 Vice President of Finance- Dan Henkoff
 Vice President Media and Membership- Absent, John Naranja
 Vice President of Programs and Administration- Absent, Margaret
i. Hockey game!
III. Old Business
Amendment to what constitutes a quorum in the GSG constitution: Article
IV, part C, Item 4.
Motion to approve amended article by Dan Henkoff, second by
Bobby Riehle.
Vote: 9 in favor, 0 not in favor, 0 abstaining.
IV. Formal Business
 Budget update and fee increase
o Options: increase by $1 per semester, increase by less than $1
per semesters, no increase.
o Budget presentation by VP Finance Dan Henkoff
o Call to vote for increase of $1 per semester for 2013-2014 by
Brian Levine, second by Dan Henkoff. Vote: 8 in favor, 0 not in
favor, 1 abstaining.
 Discussion to Approve Graduate Student Academy of Audiology
o Motion to approve GSAA by Dan Henkoff, second by Rini
Ghosh. Vote 9 in favor, 0 not in favor, 0 abstaining.
Call for new VP of Finance nominations-- special election to be held
December 3rd. Cortland James self-nominated.
V. Meeting was adjourned at 1:06 PM
Next Senate Meeting: Monday, December 3rd in Frost Lounge at 12p.m.