Document 15537233

Course: Units of Study
Marketing Basics
Interpersonal Skills
Free Enterprise
Monetary Policy
DECA: Co-curricular student organization
All Marketing students are members
Non-Marketing students can participate if
they plan to take Marketing or have had
100% Membership attends Fall Leadership
and District Competitions.
Global Economics
Marketing Math Basics
Officers plan/organize/direct the MVHS
Program of Work – includes community
service activities, fundraisers, and
Officers are elected.
Attend Fall Leadership in October and
Districts in January
Grading Policy:
To earn a B or better in Marketing class you must earn a 75% or better on your District DECA test in the
Fall and the State Assessment test in the Spring.
All daily (non-project or assessment) assignments must be kept in a 3-ring notebook to be checked for
points every 4-weeks – equal to 50% of your grade.
Assessments/quizzes will be given periodically throughout a lesson and final Assessments/tests will be
given at the end of a unit of study. A grade of 80% or better will need to be earned on all quizzes/tests;
if your grade is lower then 80%, you will have to complete a remediation assignment.
Successful completion of the above will earn you a program honors certificate (given at the end of the
year) and if you complete the entire Marketing program (Marketing II taken your senior year), you will
receive the AZ State Program Completer Certification award and the MPS District Program Honors
award (given at the district CTE banquet).
Tips for Success
Attend class
Be in your seat by the final bell
Complete daily assignment with quality
Review your days work (15minutes/class
on average)
Complete homework
Be prepared with paper and pencil/pen
Remove personal distractions i.e. cell
phone, mp3, food, other class work, your
neighbor (move seats if they distracts you)
Follow class structure i.e. Complete Bell
Work, follow assignment directions, wait
until I have completed the directions/
discussion to sharpen your pencil or ask to
use the restroom
Respect others; don’t talk while others have
the “floor” / Don’t put others opinions
down, respect others space and belongings.
Take charge of your own learning; ask
questions, participate in discussions, set
high learning goals for yourself.
Follow MPS Computer Lab Ethics. (on
Mesa Public Schools treats system security very seriously. Any misuse or abuse of
computer equipment, programs or data will result in termination of computer privileges and
may lead to disciplinary action. This includes:
1. Entering or exploring any area of the computer or network other than the program for the
course and the home directory where the student's data files are located. This includes
attempting to explore the Internet without permission.
2. Attempting to log on with any other ID other than their own
3. Attempting to destroy or modify programs, records or data belonging to the school or
another user.
4. Attempting to use the disk drive or CD drives without permission.
5. Computer vandalism, which includes writing on any equipment, taking mouse balls,
writing on mouse pads or copy holders, or removing anything from the classroom that
belongs here. Vandalism also includes changing computer configurations or attempting
to "hack" into any system that is not part of the curriculum.
6. Unauthorized use of computing resources for unauthorized purposes.
7. Accessing or copying programs, records or data belonging to the school or another user
without permission.
8. Attempting to breach the security of another user's account or deprive another user of
access to the school's computing resources.
9. Using the school's computing resources for personal or financial gain.
10.Transporting copies of the school's programs, records or data to another person or site
without written authorization.
11.Accessing or modifying any desktop icons or files without instructor’ permission.
12.Cheating or computer vandalism results in referral to Admin. Cheating includes copying
or using other students' work or copying or using other students' files.
13.No vulgar, abusive, or crude language is to be used in the classroom or on the terminals.
Mrs. Tamara Tapia (CTE Business Department Chair) at (480) 308-5659 email:
You may keep this document for your records. (cut below)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read and understand the syllabus and the computer lab ethics.
Student Signature
Parent or Guardian Signature
Please provide the following where applicable:
Email Address(s): _________________________________
How often do you check email?: Daily, Weekly, Hardly Ever
Home Phone: ___________________________________
Mother's Name: ___________________________
Work/Cell Phone: ____________________________
Father's Name: __________________________
Work/Cell Phone: __________________________