Nalanda Open University Annual Examination - 2013 Five

Nalanda Open University
Annual Examination - 2013
B.A. Social Work (Honours), Part-III Paper-VII
Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 80
Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. What do you understand by Natural Disaster? Mention its main type.
2. Analyse measures for the prevention of disaster as global level.
3. State the relationship between Flood and Disaster. How can floods be prevented.
4. Analyse the measures and policies for minimizing the impact of floods.
5. Describe the measures for preventing the dangerous of cyclone and describe its
6. What is Leadership? Describe the role of leader in the context of disaster.
7. What is Community Awareness? State the relationship between community awareness
and disaster.
8. Discuss the importance of Distribution mechanisms in disaster management.
9. Analyse the role of district administration in disaster unitization.
10. Write a note on the role of Armed Forces in disaster management.