Document 15517772

Name ___________________________________________
Period _______
Code # _______
Chapter 8 - The Water Cycle & Climates - Pages 184 - 210
59. What is the relationship between latitude and duration of insolation?
60. Where does a person have to be in order to experience 24 hours of daylight?
At any location found on Earth, what is true about the total time the sun is above the horizon?
62. The Earth absorbs most of the sunlight that falls on it. In what form does the energy penetrate the Earth's surface?
63. What happens to long-wave radiation such as infrared rays as they enter Earth's Atmosphere?
64. What does visible light change into when it is absorbed?
65. Water has a higher specific heat than soil or rock, what is true for a given temperature change?
At the same latitude, the average temperatures of land and water can differ for several reasons. One is that water has a
higher specific heat than land. Second is water reflects low angle insolation better than land. List two other reasons
a) __________________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________________
67. The same amount of insolation travels through a greater volume of water than land. What does this action result in?
68. What results from El Nino in the Eastern Pacific?
Western Pacific?
69. What is true about dark surfaces as compared to a light colored surfaces?
70. The North and South Poles receive the same total duration of insolation as the equator but the temperatures are lower
at the poles. One of the reason is that sunlight travels a greater distance through the atmosphere when the sun is
low in the sky. The insolation is reflected, refracted or absorbed and therefore the radiation that reaches the poles
is reduced strength. List two other reasons why temperatures are lower at the poles.
a) __________________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________________
What is present in our atmosphere which causes insolation to be reduce in intensity?