PBL - Antiguos grupos culturales de España Los Celtiberos Los Griegos

PBL - Antiguos grupos culturales de España
Los Celtiberos
Los Griegos
Los Fenicios
Los Cartagineses
Los Romanos
Los Visigodos
Los Judíos
Los Musulmanes
Graded Assignments
GA1 – Compare and contrast one of the pre-Roman cultures of the Iberian Peninsula
GA2 – What was the greatest Roman contribution to Spain? (Ranking criterea excercise)
GA3 – Compare and Contrast Roman Catholicsm vs Arianism
GA4 – Gothic Architecture and Music
GA5 – Muslim influence on Spanish culture
Presentation Format - PowerPoint or other presentation software like Prezio
Your presentation should include:
1. Introduce yourself. What is your name?
2. When did you live? How long were your people there?
3. Where do you live? What part of Spain have your people settled?
4. Do you share the peninsula with any other people?
5. What is your relationship with these groups?
6. What do you do for a living?
7. What is life like living in your time?
8. What is the system of government?
9. How is your system of education?
10. What language do you speak? What form of writing do you use?
11. What kind of art/music do you enjoy?
12. What religious group or faith do you belong to?