Due Wed., 5/31/06:

Due Wed., 5/31/06:
x2 – 15x +54 .
x2 – 5x – 36
x2 – 13x + 42 .
x2 – 3x – 28
2) Solve Algebraically and check:
7x – 5y = -62
8x + 3y = -36
3) 5(6x – 3) = 12(4x- 8)
x = 4.5
Due Thursday, 6/1/06:
1) Solve using the quadratic formula:
3x2 – 4 = 5x
x = {-.59, 2.26}
2) Graph the inequality:
24x – 12y > 60
y < 2x – 5 (graph)
3) A jar of change has $59.20 in it. There are 8 less dimes than twice the nickels. There
are 5 more quarters than 4 times the amount of nickels. How many nickels, dimes, and
quarters are in the jar? (There are no pennies.)
47n, 86d, 193q
Due Monday, 6/5/06
1) Solve the system of equations graphically and check:
21x + 7y = 49
13x – 26y = 182
(4,-5) on graph
2) Find the equation of a line parallel to 12x – 9y = 9, passing through (-6,-11)
y = (4/3)x - 3
3) Find the equation of a line perpendicular to y – 5 = ¼ (x + 12), passing through (2,-5)
y = -4x + 3
4) Find 5 consecutive odd integers such that the sum of the 1st, 3rd, and 4th is -161.
Due Tuesday, 6/6/06:
1) A 35-minute phone call cost $4.95. Introductory minutes cost $.16/min and additional
minutes are $.11/min. How many minutes were billed at each rate? 22 IM, 13 AM
2) Solve Algebraically and check:
y = 4x – 7
6x – 5y = -35
3) x + 7
2x + 5
x = {-3,13)