Religion 10 Final Reflection Paper

Religion 10 Final Reflection Paper
For your final reflection paper you will have two different options.
1) Answer the three following sections of questions. Make sure to answer each
one in detail and explain your thoughts or experiences thoroughly.
2) You can choose 1 of the questions to answer and write about that particular
one in more detail. If you’d like to write about a different topic altogether
that is not from one of the questions you may do that as long as you get
permission from Mr. Leone
No matter which option you choose, each one should be at least 3 paragraphs long.
Your grade will be based on how well you write each section, answer the questions
from each, and explain your thoughts. Writing skills, grammar, timing and effort
will also factor into the grade. This assignment must be typed.
Meaningful Experience
1. Choose one event or meaningful experience you have had in the past year
that had a powerful effect on your life and changed you to become a better or
different person. Even if it wasn’t a huge dramatic life-altering change, it
should be something that was important for you that you will remember. It
could be about a decision you made, the influence of another person or some
other experience that affected you. It should be about something important
and really made a difference in your life.
-First describe the event and talk about what happened.
- Explain why this event was important to you.
- Discuss the event and how it affected or changed you.
- Explain how the event affected your faith.
- What can you learn from the experience now after looking back on it?
Important Message
2. Choose a message or something you have learned in religion this year. It
doesn’t have to be from class but can also be from doing service, another
class, the retreat, or any other significant experience you had where you
learned more about God. Explain what you learned in detail to show that you
it was actually important to you. What did this message help you to learn?
How is the message or idea important to you? How have you tried to live this
out in your life? Were you successful in following this message, why or why
Goals for the Future
3. Pick one important goal that you set for yourself before or during the school
year that you either did or did not accomplish and write about it for this
section. Even if you didn’t think much about it beforehand, we all have
significant expectations that come up that we look to meet. What was the
goal? Were you able to complete that goal? Why were you or weren’t you
successful in working towards that goal? How did your work or lack of
progress towards achieving this goal affect you and help you to grow or
develop? What is something you learned throughout this process? Moving
forward from this experience, where would you like your life to go from