St. Francis Preparatory School 2009-2010 Religious Education Department

St. Francis Preparatory School
Religious Education Department
Ms. P. Bergin-Sementilli
RELIGION 10 (#922)
The focus of this course is how human beings relate to others, particularly as Christians. To enable
students to do this, we will focus attention on the Synoptic Gospels to see what they tell us of Jesus and His
teachings. Topics to be covered include: the Historical Jesus; the infancy narratives; contemporaries of Jesus;
Gospel formation; the Gospel message of the Kingdom of God; differing Gospel perspectives of Jesus; Jesus’
passion, death and resurrection and the Christ of Faith.
As we grow in understanding of Jesus and His teachings, we will also explore how understanding Jesus
helps us to better understand others and ourselves. As part of this, we will discuss: what it means to be a healthy,
whole person growing in maturity, morality; relationships and sexuality. We will also explore how the life of the
Church, particularly through the sacraments, nurtures and supports the importance of our relationships to others.
- a separate “hardcover” notebook (no loose leaf or spiral-bound)
Please note that YOU are responsible to bring this to class with you every day (with a pen or pencil),
take thorough notes and keep your notes up to date if absent.
- your own copy of Our Catholic Faith
- your own copy of The Catholic Youth Bible
This is the same Bible and textbook you used in Religion class last year. If you need a new copy of
either, they are on sale at the Prep bookstore. For the most part, the OCF book will be kept at home
for reading and HW. During the 2nd and 3rd Quarters, you will need to bring your bible to class every
Students are expected to participate in class by:
- showing respect for all people in the class and for the course content
- listening well and adding to class discussions
- doing any assigned readings/homework to prepare for class thoroughly and thoughtfully
- keeping accurate notes ( I reserve the right to periodically check notebooks, if needed.)
- respectfully participating in prayer activities to the extent that you are capable
- “BASICS” such as being in dress code, prepared and on time for class.
- Checking school website when instructed to do so for occasional supplemental materials.
(This will be explained more in class.)
Your grade each quarter will be determined by an average of:
- 2-3 test grades per quarter
- 1-2 reflection papers/formal written assignments/projects
- thoughtfully completed (short) homework assignments
- Group work/projects
- Class participation (see above)
Please note that a cumulative, departmental final exam will be given at the end of this course.
All exams will be announced at least two periods before the scheduled date. Students who are absent for an
exam should be prepared to make arrangements the day they return to school to take a make-up exam during their
next free period or after school. (Make-up exams will generally NOT be given during class time.)
Homework/Major Assignments
All assignments are to be thoroughly and thoughtfully completed. Homework should be neatly written on loose-leaf
(or provided handout) in ink. (You may type it if you prefer, but it is not required – with the exception of term
papers, which will be penalized if not typed.) Careless work will not be accepted.
-“Regular” homework will help you prepare for and be able to participate in class on the day it is due. If you are
not prepared, points will be lost and this will be reflected in your homework grade.
-A “major” written assignment/project will be given each quarter. This assignment will be graded out of 100
points (equal to any test grades) and comments given. Late work will be penalized 5 points for each calendar day
late after the grace date and a zero will be given for any missing assignments.
If you are absent on the day an assignment is due,
You must hand it in on the day that you return to school.
Naturally, it is expected that all rules as described in the school calendar and agenda books are understood and
adhered to in class. Of particular consideration are the principles and behaviors outlined in St. Francis Prep’s Honor
Code. Mutual respect and cooperation will be vital components to a positive class environment. These are always
necessary, but particularly necessary as we will have many discussion-oriented classes and times when you will be
responsible to work productively in groups.
Let’s all expect the best from ourselves and each other – it makes everything more positive and pleasant! However,
also expect that appropriate referrals will be made and parent(s) will be notified if your behavior does not reflect
respect for others and a cooperative attitude for your own and others’ learning in class.
Like last year, EXPERIENCE GROUP will be part of your sophomore year Religious Education!
RETREAT!!!! Each Sophomore Religion class will go on retreat in Centerport, Long Island for a day!
Dates and details to be provided later!
We encourage all of you to participate in the special school liturgies, penance services, service opportunities (such
as the soup kitchen at Presentation Parish) and other various programs that Campus Ministry organizes with YOU in
mind! You are a young adult now! Make the choice to put your faith into action! We support you! Know that I,
along with the Campus Ministry team, am here to support you in your faith!
It is my hope that we will have an enjoyable class and learn a lot. We all have something to offer! Please feel free
to contact me at any time if you have a concern or question. I can usually be reached during free periods in the
Religious Education Office (W116). You may also contact me via e-mail at:
- Ms. Bergin
“Homework Assignment” #1:
Please read this entire sheet carefully and sign below, indicating that you understand what is expected of you in this
class. Have one of your parent(s) or guardian(s) do the same and attach the SIGNED sheet securely to the inside
cover of your notebook. If you have any concerns or questions, please let me know as soon as possible.
Student signature:__________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian signature:____________________________________________________
Parent Guardian
name & relationship (please print):____________________________________________
REMINDER: Parents are encouraged to attend “Back to School Night” on Thursday, September 24th at 7:00pm
to meet your son or daughter’s teachers and hear more about the courses they will be taking this year. I hope to
meet you then!
and LASTLY…but of tremendous importance…
While the above information is necessary to state to help everyone gain academic success in this course, please
realize that your openness and full participation will help you get the most out of our year together personally. It is
my hope that you will take the time to reflect personally on the material in this course and use it to deepen your
experience of yourself as a person of faith, wherever that faith is (or is not!) at the moment. We are all at different
places in our journey of faith and life! Try to be aware of where you are “at” and respect where others are “at” also.
I believe we all have something valuable to contribute to class, and I am looking forward to seeing how our class
unfolds. Let’s build something interesting and valuable!