Parent Involvement & Volunteering Opportunities Available at Taylor Jr. High!


Parent Involvement & Volunteering Opportunities

Available at

Hello Taylor Jr. High Families!

Taylor Jr. High!

My name is Stephanie Blackwell; Parent Educator at Taylor Jr. High. The purpose of a Parent Educator is to supply parents/guardians with resources, information and volunteering opportunities for both working families and those with more flexible schedules.

Research shows a strong link between parental (family) involvement and a child’s success in their education. We Need You!

Please fill out the information below if you are interested in joining us. Current volunteers, please continue to sign in and out in the front office Visitor’s Book as well as filling out the Volunteer Log in the Parent Resource Room.

Please fill out the following and send it back with your student to school:

Name ____________________________Phone__________________


Students Name(s) _________________________

Please list areas of interest ________________________________________

What days can you help? (Please circle) M TU W TH F

How many hours can you volunteer? ______ day week month

What time of day is best for you to volunteer?___________________________
