October 10th, 2011

PSLT Meeting, 10-Oct-2011
2:00 – 4:00 PM,
West, HSB-211
Present: Johnny Aplin, Josh Murdock, Donna Kosloski, Jerry Reed, Shauna Anstey, Julie Balassa, Joe
Sarrubbo, Mariann Swenson, Jeff Hogan, Debi Jakubcin, Heidi Shugg (by phone)
Absent: Liz Jusino, Elisha Gonzalez-Bonnewitz, Dwayne Smoot, Patti Riva, Todd Hunt
Donna chaired the committee in Liz's absence.
Minutes of the previous meeting were distributed but not formally reviewed or adopted at this meeting.
Discussion of the October 24th date for the Fall Forum ensued. Issues mentioned included the probable
absence of many PSLT members on that day, and the difficulty in generating adequate publicity in the
remaining two weeks. A consensus emerged that this date is impractical.
A decision was made to cancel the Fall Forum and to combine some of the activities planned for it into
the Professional Development Day, now scheduled for November 29th, from 8 AM until 12 noon in the
Special Events Center on West Campus. Possible material for the combined meeting included updates
from the November 16th meeting of PSLT with HR and OD, as well as updates from the Learning,
Operations and Planning council meetings occurring in the interim.
The possibility of sharing a brief (30 minute) report on the Shared Governance Review by Michael
Shugg and/or Michele McArdle was also discussed, as well as the need to advertise food and food
choices to potential attendees. It was pointed out that discussion of the Shared Governance review
should be brief, since there have been recent Town Hall Meetings on each campus to provide this
feedback already.
The following tentative agenda for the combined PD and FF day was discussed as follows:
8:00-8:30 AM – food, networking, and an opportunity to write an anonymous question or scenario
about the Performance Development Planning (PDP) Process.
8:30-9:00 AM – Shared Governance Review with Michele McArdle and Michael Shugg
9:00-9:45 AM - HR/OD meeting feedback -Stan Stone and/or Joe Livingston and Amy Bosley to
answer questions.
9:45-10:00 AM – Break / Collect Index Cards of PDP Discussion Items (This will allow Amy time to
review the questions/comments.)
Dr. Amy Bosley and Dr. Stan Stone - Professional Development through raising the
Professional Staff’s understanding of how the PDP is related to or used for:
 Employee career paths, training needs, and possible job advancement;
 Internal hiring and promotional decisions;
 The Performance Improvement Plan (PIP).
It was agreed to contact Stan Stone and Amy Bosley as well as Michael Shugg and Michele McArdle to
determine their availability for their proposed sessions. The concept of having written questions
submitted at the meeting (anonymously if desired) and answered by these representatives was
Lively discussion within the PSLT at the 10 October meeting suggests that the Performance
Development Process (PDP) would serve as a rich source of audience questions and feedback. Specific
sorts of questions/issues that might be broached include how the PDP relates to the Performance
Improvement Plan (PIP) that might be used to counsel an employee with performance challenges, how
the PDP relates to employee career paths, training needs and possible job advancement, and if and how
the PDP might be used for internal hiring and promotional decisions.
Donna agreed to forward the existing agenda created for the November 16th meeting with HR and OD
representatives to the PSLT members in order to collect feedback on deletions/additions to the agenda
Mention was made of a new “pipeline” channel for Professional Staff on the Grove or related blogs.
Taste & See Catering presented a proposal for catering the PSLT events, and served a sample Sausage
and Vegetable Strata dish. The taste and quality of the dish was appreciated by the PSLT members
Detailed discussion ensued including questions and answers with the vendor on what the cost for this
catering would be, and exactly what was, and was not, included. The assumption was a breakfast for
90 attendees. Coffee and juice were not included in Taste and See's original proposal. They quoted a
figure of $2/$3 per person additional charge for these beverages. Charges for setup, clean-up and
server labor were also discussed. An estimate of $1100 eventually emerged, exclusive of server labor.
Donna agreed to get a quote from Cabin Creek for comparable food and beverages.
Joe Sarrubbo presented information on Sabbatical leave and described the application process, which is
open to Professional staff as well as faculty. Joe also distributed and briefly discussed the SPD budget,
noted the trends in these expenditures over time, and pointed out that Sabbatical leaves are funded out
of SPD.