LET MINUTES Wednesday, June 29, 2005 Winter Park Campus, 113

Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Winter Park Campus, 113
Present: Linda Anthon, Nick Bekas, Kira Bishop, Mike Bosley, Philip Bishop, Aida Diaz, Suzette
Dohany, Emily Hooker, Maryke Lee, Melissa Pedone, Ann Puyana, Cheryl Robinson
Regrets: Helen Clarke, Jackie DiMartino, Patrick Nellis
Session Objectives:
1. Snapshot of THINK Kickoff
2. Discuss TVCA logos and on-line THINK survey
3. Plan for Learning Day presentation
4. Review Draft Progress Report for CLC
Review of THINK Kickoff
Mike and Suzette presented a mini-version of the Kickoff for the Year of THINK
for members who were unable to attend. Two short narrated video presentations
were used. The first, developed and narrated by Roberta, explained the rationale
for the Year of THINK and introduced the rubrics. In the second, Suzette
illustrated students' reaction to the Student THINK Survey via examples of
various levels of thinking they provided and explained in their own words. Both
videos were well done, short, and informative. These pieces laid a solid
foundation for the rest of the meeting which included a discussion of marketing
tools, logos, and the LET Learning Day presentation.
Discussion of TVCA Logos and On-line THINK Survey
Priscilla Yamin demonstrated the 'Measuring My Critical Thinking" survey and the
scoring function. It will provide a method to capture self-report information
regarding students' critical thinking and to provide them with methods to improve.
This survey is currently in the print process on book mark-rulers to be given to
students and faculty at the start of Fall term. Eddie Howell showed some draft
logos for our consideration that he designed for the THINK Survey website.
When the content is identified, Eddie will construct the site. The goal is to design
a Critical Thinking webpage for students that will become an effective learning
Joan Andrek presented 4 logo ideas, one each for TVC & A. Suggestions were
made to Joan and she will discuss them with her staff and bring revisions and
additional marketing ideas to our meeting July 20th.
Planning for Learning Day
A brief discussion of the potential audience and format for the LET Learning Day
presentation led to the decision to several ideas. The goal is a session that is
interactive and provides practical information for attendees to use. Skip
Downing's interaction dialogue was given as an example of the type of
experience we would like to provide. Attendees were given a list of planning
questions to consider before we continue this topic at the next meeting.
LET Progress Report for CLC
A draft report was distributed for input from team members. Time did not permit
discussion of the document. An opportunity to make suggestions will be
provided at the next meeting
The next full LET Meeting
Wednesday, July 205, 2005
2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Winter Park Campus, 113
Next THINK Subgroup Meeting
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
2:30 pm – 4:30 pm East Campus