2015-10 Choir subscriptions.doc

From: Tim Hunt, Treasurer, Open University Choir
To: All OU Choir Members
October 2015
Choir subscriptions are now due. The amount for the 2015/16 season is £20.00, as agreed
on 1st October 2015 at the AGM. Please complete the attached form, which we need to
keep our records up to date. Make your cheque payable to ‘OU Choir’ and give it to Lisa
Burns (Membership Secretary) at rehearsals. Please do not send cash through the post.
The information you supply below will be kept on file in electronic form. It will be made
available only to OU Choir officers and will be used solely for choir administration and other
choir-related activities, including generating rehearsal attendance registers, maintaining and
updating an email list for announcements, planning staging arrangements, monitoring voicebalance, making returns to the OU Club and administering score-loans. For DP principles
for OU Clubs and Societies, see: http://intranet6.open.ac.uk/governance/data-protection/.
Should you leave the OU Choir, unless you ask to be removed, we will keep you on the
email list so that you are still informed of events.
Thank you,
Tim Hunt
To: Lisa Burns
I enclose my £20.00 subscription for membership of the OU Choir for the 2015/16 season.
Please make cheques payable to ‘OU Choir’.
Name ...................................................................... Signature ..............................................
OU address (home address if not at OU)
Extension/phone number ........................................ Email ....................................................
Voice Soprano 1 | Soprano 2 | Alto 1 | Alto 2 | Tenor 1 | Tenor 2 | Bass 1 | Bass 2
(please circle)
Signing this form indicates your understanding of the data protection principles above.