World at Risk Security, Territory, Population he Colonial Present

MA - International Conflict Studies [Updated July 2015]
Ulrich Beck, World at Risk (Polity, 2009).
Michel Foucault, Security, Territory, Population (Palgrave 2007)
Derek Gregory, The Colonial Present (Blackwell, 2004).
Vivienne Jabri, War and the Transformation of Global Politics (Palgrave Macmillan,
Mary Kaldor, New and Old Wars (Polity, 1999/2006)
Kenneth Waltz, Man, the State and War (Columbia University Press, 1959/ 2001)
Core Reading: conflict security and development [updated July 2015]
 Berdal, Mats and David Malone, eds., Greed and Grievance: Economic Agendas in Civil Wars
(Boulder/ London: Lynne Rienner, 2000)
 Berdal, Mats R., Building peace after war, Adelphi Paper 407, (2009).
 The World Bank Development Report 2011: Conflict, Security and Development.
 Currie-Alder, Bruce, Ravi Kanbur, David M. Malone and Rohinton Medhora, International
Development: Ideas, Experience, and Prospects (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014).
 Autesserre, Séverine, Peaceland: conflict resolution and the everyday politics of
international intervention (Cambridge University Press: 2014)
Core Reading: History of Warfare
 Black, Jeremy, Rethinking Military History (London: Routledge, 2004)
 Gardiner, Juliet, ed., What is History Today? (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1988), esp.
chapter one, 'What is Military History?'
 Geyer, Michael, 'War and the Context of General History in an Age of Total War', Journal
of Military History, 57 (1993), 145-163.
 Howard, Michael, 'The Use and Abuse of Military History', in his The Causes of War
(London: Temple Smith, 1983)
 Hughes, Matthew and William Philpott, eds, Palgrave Advances in Modern Military
History (Basingstoke: Palgrave, forthcoming). This is the central text for the course.
 Lynn, John A., 'The Embattled Future of Academic Military History', Journal of Military
History 61 (1997), 777-789
Core Reading: Intelligence and International Security [updated July 2015]
 Christopher Andrew, Richard Aldrich and Wesley Wark, eds., Secret Intelligence: A
Reader (Routledge, London, 2009)
 Michael Herman, Intelligence Power in Peace and War (Cambridge University Press,
 Mark Lowenthal, Intelligence: From Secrets to Policy, 4th Edition (CQ Press, New York,
Core Reading: South Asia and Global Security [updated July 2015]
 Robert McMahon, Cold War on the Periphery: The United States, India and Pakistan
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1994)
 Ramchandra Guha, India After Gandhi (London: Harper Collins 2007)
 Srinath Raghavan, War and Peace in Modern India (London: Palgrave, 2010)
 Ayesha Jalal, Democracy and Authoritarianism in South Asia (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1995)
 Strobe Talbot, Engaging India: Diplomacy, Democracy And The Bomb (Washington D.C:
Brookings Institution Press 2006)
 Rudra Chaudhuri, Forged in Crisis: India and the United States since 1947 (New York:
Oxford University Press, 2014)
 Anatol Lieven, Pakistan: A Hard Country (London: Allen Lane, 2011)
 Shuja Nawaz, Crossed Swords: Pakistan, It’s Army, and the Wars Within (New York:
Oxford University Press, 2008)
Core Reading: War Studies [updated July 2015]
Porter, Patrick. The Global Village Myth: Distance, War, and the Limits of Power.
London: Hurst, 2015.
Sanger, David E. Confront and Conceal: Obama’s Secret Wars and Surprising Use of
American Power. New York: Broadway, 2015.
Stone, John. Military Strategy: The Politics and Technique of War. London:
Continuum, 2011 / Bloomsbury, 2013.
Core Reading: Terrorism and Security Studies
 Bruce Bognor, Lisa M. Brown, Larry E. Beutler, James. N. Breckenridge, Philip G.
Zimbardo (eds.), Psychology of Terrorism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007)
 Bruce Hoffman, Inside Terrorism, 2nd ed. (New York: Columbia University Press, 2006)
 Paul K. David and Kim Cragin (eds.), Social Science for Counterterrorism: Putting the
Pieces Together (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2009) (Download for free
 Peter Neumann, Old and New Terrorism (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2009)
 Marc Sageman, Understanding Terrorist Networks (Philadelphia: Pennsylvania
University Press, 2004)
 Robert J. Ursano, Carol S. Fullerton and Ann E. Norwood (eds.), Terrorism and Disaster:
Individual and Community Mental Health Interventions. (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2003)
Core Reading: Science and Security
 Collins, Alan. ‘Introduction: What is Security Studies?’ in Collins, Alan, ed. Contemporary
Security Studies 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009,
 Holsti, Ole R. ‘Models of International Relations and Foreign Policy.’ Diplomatic History,
13, 1
 Jervis, Robert. ‘Cooperation Under the Security Dilemma.’ World Politics , Vol. 30, No. 2
(Jan., 1978)
 Sterling-Folker, Jennifer. ‘Chapter 1: Making Sense of International Relations Theory’
from Making Sense of International Relations Theory. Ed. Jennifer Sterling-Folker.
Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2006
Core Reading: Non-proliferation & International Security
 Scott Sagan and Kenneth Waltz, The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: A Debate Renewed
(New York: Norton, 2002).
 Ganguly, Sumit and S Paul Kapur. India, Pakistan and the Bomb: Debating Nuclear
Stability in South Asia. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010.
 Solingen, Etel (2012). Sanctions, Statecraft, and Nuclear Proliferation. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Core Reading: International Peace and Security
 Bull, H. The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics, (London, Macmillan,
 Gow, J., Defending the West, (Polity, 2005)Henkin, L. International Law: Politics and
Values (1995), Chs. 1 and 3Higgins, R. Problems and Process: International Law and
How We Use It (1994), Chs. 1 and 3Holsti, K.J. International Politics: A Framework for
Analysis, 5th ed. (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1988), esp. Part IIMüllerson, R. Ordering
Anarchy: International Law in International Society (2004)
 Waltz, K. Theory of International Politics, (London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.,
Core Reading: International Relations [updated July 2015]
 John Bayliss, Steve Smith and Patricia Owens The Globalization of World Politics, any
edition including the 5th (Oxford University Press, 2011)
 Ken Booth and Steve Smith, eds. International Relations Theory Today
(Cambridge, Polity Press, 1995)
 Chris Brown with Kirsten Ainley Understanding International Relations, 4th
edition (Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2009)
 Chris Brown, T. Nardin and N.J.Rengger (eds) International Relations in
Political Thought (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002)
 Walter Carlsnaes Handbook of International Relations (London: Sage, 2003)
Martin Hollis and Steve Smith, Explaining and Understanding International
Relations (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990)
 Robert Jackson and Georg Sorenson Introduction to International Relations
(Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003)
 Josef Lapid and Friedrich Kratochwil, The Return of Culture and Identity to
International Relations Theory (Boulder, Lynne Rienner, 1996)
 Andrew Linklater, The Transformation of Political Community (Columbia,
University of South Carolina Press, 1998)
 Hans, Morgenthau Politics Among Nations (Boston, McGraw Hill Education,
 Mark Neufeld, The Restructuring of International Relations Theory (Cambridge
University Press, 1994)
 Steve Smith, Ken Booth and Marysia Zalewski, International Relations
Theory:Postmodernism and Beyond (Cambridge University Press 1996)
 Christine Sylvester, Feminist Theory and International Relations in a Post Modern
Era (Cambridge University Press, 1994)
 Rob Walker, Inside/Outsider: International Relations as Political Theory
(Cambridge University Press, 1993)
 Kenneth Waltz Theory of International Politics (London, Addison Wesley, 1979)
Alexander Wendt, Social Theory of International Politics (Cambridge University
Press 1999)
 Brian White, Richard Little and Michael Smith Perspectives on World Politics
(London, Routledge, 3rd Edition updated, 2005)