Senate Minutes 1-6-16

University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Minutes – January 6th, 2016 – 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
a. Meeting called to order at 6:31PM.
Invocation – Interfaith Center President Stern
Pledge of Allegiance – Sergeant-at-Arms Burton
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Dallas Burke
a. Quorum has been established with 26 voting members.
Approval of Agenda
a. Senator Padgett: Motion to add Janice Anglin to Guest Speakers. Second. Adopted.
b. Senator Jordan: Motion to add SB-16S-2917 to Legislation on 1st Read under New Business. Second.
c. Senator Burke: Motion to change the date stated on the agenda to January 6th, 2016. Second.
d. Senator Burke: Motion to add Caleb Grantham as an Executive Branch Confirmation before
Legislative Branch Confirmation. Second. Adopted.
e. Senator Jordan: Motion to table Parliamentarian Elections to the next Senate meeting. Second.
f. Senator Bottom: Motion to approve the minutes as amended. Second. Adopted.
Approval of Minutes
a. Senator Platts: Motion to approve the minutes from November 23rd, 2015. Second. Adopted.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
a. Michelle Fagalli
b. Matthew Dowdie
Student Remarks (3 minutes each)
a. Caleb Grantham: Please sign the posters in the back
b. Christopher Jordan: SB-16S-2917 was added to the agenda tonight and I wanted to speak on it. This
has been in the works for a while now and it will act to add the Lend-A-Wing Pantry as an
Executive Agency.
Shore Advice
a. Read your Constitution and Statutes.
Guest Speakers
a. Blake Kennedy (5 minutes)
a. I was in your seats last year. I graduated in May and now work as a recruiter for C&S. I was a
Senator for two weeks my junior year then became the B&A Chair. It is very intimidating to
be here so be respectful to one another. The experience you receive from being in Student
Government will be imperative in your future careers in the corporate world. If you want to
make moves in your life you can’t be scared of intimidation. You will not learn anything
unless you try. Have fun while you are here because this is a learning experience. Be
professional but keep it light-hearted.
b. Devon Zook (5 minutes)
a. I am an accounting associate here in Student Government. I am here to talk about timelines
in regards to purchase requests. There are 18 indexes split up between myself and the two
other accounting associates. You should have a quote and any backup documents when
turning in a purchase request. A reimbursement requires approval and a receipt. A P-card
request is purchased with the office visa. The standard contract is 3 weeks and non-standard
contracts are 6 weeks. We would like at least two weeks on food requests. We would like 3-5
weeks for basic requests such as printing and t-shirts.
c. Vivian Senior (10 minutes)
a. {Professionalism in Student Government and the workplace was discussed regarding attire
and attitude.}
d. Janice Anglin (5 minutes)
a. I am a student and the Director of the Lend-A-Wing pantry. We are 100% donation based
so we rely heavily on the UNF community to donate. There is a bill coming up tonight to
make the Lend-A-Wing pantry as an official executive agency. We provide food, hygienic
items, toiletries, and cooking materials for students. We have also started offering fresh
vegetables from out plot at the Ogier Gardens.
i. Senator Mims: Aside from the bill, what’s one thing we can do as Senators and
students to help the Lend-A-Wing pantry? –Donations and volunteering in the
pantry or the Ogier Gardens.
Office of Elections Report
a. Elections Commissioner Brad Johnson (3 minutes)
i. Political party registration forms are due January 19th, 2016. The party fair will be January
27th, 2016. Candidate declarations are due February 2nd, 2016. The information sessions are
currently set for February 9th and 10th but are to be determined. The disqualifications will be
February 10th. February 23rd is the subjected time for the presidential debate. Let’s try to keep
our heads up and have a positive election season.
Judicial Branch Report
a. Chief Justice Ben Jaeger (5 minutes)
i. {No report}
Executive Branch Reports
a. Osprey Productions – Director Katie Jackson (3 minutes)
i. We currently have a movie night showing Straight Outta Compton. Tomorrow is our Winter
Fest. Like our Osprey Productions Talon page on Facebook for volunteer opportunities.
Next Wednesday is our movie showing of Bridge of Spies. January 14th we will have Capture
the Flag. January 20th is when Homecoming packets are due.
b. Club Alliance – Director Zachary Mease (3 minutes)
i. Last semester we had a lot of internal analyzing regarding funding and have submitted a
proposal to President Guerra which has now been approved. January 15th is our General
Body meeting that will focus on categorizing the clubs. There is also diversity training that
same day from 12:30PM-2:30PM. February 23rd is Club Fest in the Student Union Plaza
from 10AM-3PM, we need volunteers.
c. Treasurer Cameron Duffy (3 minutes)
i. My main job is to monitor all the A&S Fee accounts and procedures and create the budget.
Please don’t hesitate to come to my office to talk to me about anything.
d. Attorney General Dana Baker (3 minutes)
i. Senator Ascanio filed an interpretation in regards to campaigning in Greek meetings that are
held in academic buildings. The bill added to 1st read tonight requires 2/3 vote to pass and
make Lend-A-Wing an Executive agency. A justice graduated last semester so we do have
one seat available in the Judicial Branch.
e. Vice President (3 minutes)
f. President Hailey Guerra (5 minutes)
i. I have appointed Caleb Grantham as Vice President. We have been working very diligently
to bring you guys some exciting changes. There are now calculators available for checkout at
the library. We have also created a partnership with Uber so that when the code UNFSG is
entered the user will receive $15 off their first ride and $3 will be donated to the Lend-AWing pantry. This Friday we will be recognizing first responders in our community.
Legislative Branch Reports
a. Pro-Tempore/Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Dallas Burke (3 minutes)
i. All of the constitutions in the Chambers are updated. I have created a cheat sheet for all new
senators. There will be a meeting next Monday regarding the changes that need to be made
to the Policies and Procedures. We will have another meeting after and then decide on what
changes need to be made.
b. Budget and Allocation Committee – Chairman Troy Bottom (3 minutes)
i. January 13th is our first budget hearing. January 20th is another budget hearing. January 27th is
when Treasurer Duffy presets his budget. Wednesday, February 3rd is the public posting of
the budget.
c. Government Oversight – Chairman Gustavo Ascanio (3 minutes)
i. We have two Fall seats vacant and four Spring seats vacant. We had a meeting prior to this
Senate to approve Caleb Grantham and Brett Burton. I will be stepping down from my
position next week due to a conflict of interest because I have stated interest in running for
Student Body President.
d. University and Student Affairs – Chairwoman Cassidy Keefe (3 minutes)
i. You should have all received an email from me this afternoon with the semester calendar
regarding University and Student Affairs. Osprey Voice will be January 19th-21st. Please wear
your Student Government polo, a navy shirt, or a UNF shirt and appropriate bottoms while
working Osprey Voice. You must sign an iPad out and sign it back in. If you have any
questions you would like seen on the upcoming Osprey Voice please see me immediately
after Senate for a proposal form.
e. Senate President Chase Baker (5 minutes)
i. Polos are in so please see me after Senate to pick yours up. The students seeking
appointment need a few more signatures so please sign their form if you feel inclined to do
so. I hope you all enjoyed the speakers today regarding budgeting, professionalism, student
government, and attitude. I will be meeting with all of you throughout the semester to talk
about your goals as a Senator and as a student. We will be having interviews next week for
the Government Oversight chair position. The JU game is this Saturday so have fun but
remember you are representing the student body.
Unfinished Business
a. Legislations considered for 1st Reading
b. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislations considered for 2nd Reading
d. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
New Business
a. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1st Read
b. Legislation on 1st Read
i. SB-16S-2817
c. Simple and Joint Resolution on 2nd Read
d. Legislation considered for 2nd Read
Parliamentarian Election (tabled to Senate January 25th, 2016)
Executive Branch Confirmation
a. Vice President – Caleb Grantham
i. {President Guerra spoke on her approval for Caleb Grantham as Vice President}
ii. I have progressed through Student Government, starting off as a Senator, then becoming
Senate President Pro-Tempore, then becoming Chief of Staff, and now hoping to become
the Student Body Vice President.
1. Senator Thames: Hailey mentioned you adjusted your schedule, how have you done
so? –I have resigned from my position in housing.
2. Senator Jordan: How do you plan to tackle situations when things inevitably go
wrong? –I think the best way to handle issues is through communication and making
sure everyone is informed.
3. Senator Ascanio: Motion to approve Caleb Grantham as Student Body Vice
President. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote passes 26-0-0.
Legislative Branch Confirmation
a. Sergeant-at-Arms – Brett Burton
i. I am a very big patriot of the United States. I have served overseas and have served as risk
management for Kappa Alpha Order.
ii. Senator Lorenzo: Motion to approve Brett Burton as Sergeant-at-Arms. Second. Discussion.
Roll call vote passes 26-0-0.
Swearing-In of Appointments – Senate President Baker
a. Emails will be sent out this week regarding Senator Bios.
b. See me afterward for Polos
c. The Budget schedule will be up online.
Final Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Dallas Burke
a. Quorum has been reestablished with 26 voting members.
a. Meeting adjourned at 7:55PM.
Minutes taken by Farah Azzouz, Senate Secretary