Space Committee Meeting MINUTES February 5, 2014

Space Committee Meeting
February 5, 2014
Members Present:
Shari Shuman, Ann McCullen, Jay Coleman, Mauricio Gonzalez,
Paul Mosley, Michael Ku
Support Staff Present:
Zak Ovadia, Dan Endicott, John Hale, Elizabeth Jones, Everett Malcolm,
Mary Mory, Tony Stevens
Project Timelines
Housing Clubhouse
- The project is currently 3-4 weeks behind schedule due to the weather but construction is
going well.
- Student Affairs will develop a timeline for the opening.
Interfaith Chapel at the Sanctuary/Student Assembly Center
- A kick off meeting with the design committee was held on December 20th. A consensus
on the design and additional needs were identified at the meeting on January 29th.
Development of a preliminary budget is in progress.
Skinner-Jones Hall North
- Programming and the schematic design phase are in progress. A kick off meeting was
held on January 17th. COAS, CCEC and BCH focus groups are being scheduled to
discuss space needs. Preliminary floor plans will be produced following the outcome of
the focus groups. At this time the project will only be programmed and construction
documents finalized until funds are identified for construction.
- The PECO Request for this legislative session is for $8M for Skinner-Jones Hall North
and $1M for Skinner-Jones Hall South.
Aquatic Center Re-Purposing
- A kick off meeting was held on December 10th. Schematic designs were presented. The
committee met again on January 24th to confirm the schematic design. The cost estimate
is being updated at this time.
Elevated Parking Deck
- Three CM firms were short-listed for interviews which will take place on
February 10th.
- Construction must be completed by January 2015.
New Aquatic Center
- A kick off meeting with the design committee will be held on February 13th. At
this time the project will only be programmed and construction documents
finalized until funds are identified for construction.
Library Learning Commons
- This will serve as a one stop communal learning environment for students.
Student services such as the Help Desk will be moved to the library to assist
students and their resource needs. A math emporium would be moved into the
former computer lab in Building 15.
- A consultant will be meeting with library and ITS staff to define needs and
generate construction documents.
Confucius Institute
- This project may be approved and space needs to be identified.
Physical Facilities Warehouse
- Construction documents should be 75% completed by February 14th. An updated
cost estimate is expected next week. Renovations should be completed in July.