Jan 11 2013 FAM

Faculty Assembly Meeting
January 11, 2013
Present – Carolyne Ali-Khan, Betty Bennett, Stacy Boote, Jin-Suk Byun, Candice Carter, Terry Cavanaugh,
Richard Chant, Kim Cheek, Luke Cornelius, Vicki Cornett, Larry Daniel, Daniel, Dinsmore, Nick Eastham,
Cassandra Etgeton, Liz Gregg, Katrina Hall, Wanda Hedrick, Chris Janson, Jennifer Kane, John
Kemppainen, Wanda Lastrapes, Jason Lee, Marsha Lupi, Catherine McMurria, Cathy O’Farrell, John
Ouyang, Karen Patterson, Debbie Reed, Lisa Ross, Otilia Salmon, Rebecca Schumacher, Sherry Shaw,
Lena Shaqareq, Robert Smith, Nile Stanley, Kristi Sweeney, Susan Syverud, Madalina Tanase, Claire
Torres, Christine Weber, Dawn Wessling, John White, Lunetta Williams, Bess Wilson, Brian Zoellner,
Mary Rose.
Approval of Minutes – The minutes of November 2, 2012, meeting were approved as submitted.
Announcements/Opportunities for COEHS Personnel –
Larry Daniel announced that we have a table at the Martin Luther King breakfast at the Prime Osborne
which will be held on January 18th at 7:30 a.m. We still have several seats remaining so check with Patti
Robbins in the Dean’s Office if you’d like to be included.
Marsha Lupi Congratulations to our three College of Education award winners: Elizabeth Fullerton, Carolyn Guardino
and Kim Cheek.
We are starting to gear up for Spring Convocation on April 25, the night before Commencement, so be
thinking about students deserving an award. These would be students who graduated in December or
this May.
We will have a section at the UNF vs. JU basketball game on Friday, January 18 so bring your kids and
the first 20 people to sign-up with Lois Dellar will get one free ticket and you’ll get a ticket for $5 if you
bring someone.
Terry Cavanaugh announced the Eastern Educational Research Association (EERA) will be in Jacksonville
next year so think about asking your students to apply for research projects this summer and fall. It’ll be
here in February of 2014. John Ouyang added that the Society for Information Technology and Teacher
Education (SITE) will be in Jacksonville next year too.
Explanation of Relationship of Critical Tasks to Course Grade - John White said there has been some
confusion with grading for a course with critical tasks. Terry Cavanaugh clarified: if students fail critical
tasks, they fail the class; the reverse is not necessarily true. It’s up to you whether or not you want to
change the grade with remediation. Karen Patterson suggested faculty make this clear on the syllabi.
Claribel Torres added that it’s more important to keep track of how many attempts at remediation were
COEHS Academic Policy Review Cycle and Updating Policies - John White announced that every four to
five years our academic policies are up for review. We have fallen out of practice in reviewing these
policies so he forwarded the list of policies that are up for review to the chairs of the standing
committees. The committees will review, make suggestions for changes and send back to the Executive
Committee. We are trying to get the policy reviews updated before the end of this semester.
Standing & Permanent College Committee Reports –
Standing Committees
Undergraduate Standards and Curriculum Committee - Cassandra Etgeton stated that they met on
December 10, passed 2 packages and sent them forward to the academic programs committee. They
had no business this month but will meet in February and will have policies to consider.
Graduate Standards and Curriculum Committee - Dan Dinsmore reported that they met in December,
passed one package from leadership and they had no business this month so did not meet. They are
looking at a tutorial for the APC process since there is not a clear way to do this.
Personnel Committee – Becky Schumacher reported that the committee met on December 6 to review
bylaws. Dean Daniel also joined the committee meeting and discussed professional development issues.
We talked about developing a speakers’ bureau and generated a list of possible guest speakers. We
looked at possibly financing a writing retreat for junior faculty. Other business was cost sharing when
faculty teach off campus and Dr. Daniel suggested they speak with Dr. Jackson about this. Our next
meeting is in February.
Long Range Planning Committee - Luke Cornelius reported that they are in limbo and will be meeting
next Tuesday.
Student Issues Committee - John Kemppainen reported the committee met in November but did not
meet in December or January. However, they will be meeting shortly and will be looking at policies to
review related to admission requirements.
Technology Committee – Chris Janson reported that they have a full agenda for their next meeting on
Permanent College Committees
Executive Committee - John White reported they met to set the agenda and started looking at elections
for Executive Committee since we will have some open slots. The composition of the committee will be
changing per the bylaws.
ESOL Advisory Committee - co-chairs Jin-Suk Byun and Lena Shaqareq - no report
Educator Preparation Institute – Betty Bennett reported on their first EPI Program beginning in March.
They’ve had 15 Hispanics apply that don’t have the proficiency in written and spoken English language
and they are looking forward to getting started.
Accreditation Update - Claribel Torres has not heard from the State yet but expects to hear from them
shortly. ECATS is under construction and is a massive undertaking. Sadly, Maira is leaving us and she is
off to greener pastures so there will be some report delays but Claribel has completed elementary
education, PreK, CACREP and social studies. She is done with FEAPS for those programs just mentioned
but she still has to do ESOL and reading. Claribel is currently inputting hundreds of pages of data then
will be streamlining and hoping to be done with this by February. She’ll notify you when it’s time to
collect your data.
Dean’s Report - Welcome back to the New Year and great to see everybody here.
Center for Urban Education and Policy  Mary Rose spoke and stated the goal of the Center for Urban Education and Policy is to develop
a stronger bond with the Jacksonville community and wants them to reach out to us as a
resource. Mary is developing a website to better streamline an easier way for people to contact
us. We want the community to be able to find the right person about a certain subject through
the center’s website. We are currently setting up shop and developing an infrastructure with an
internal and external advisory board. Mary welcomes your feedback and wants to find out what
you are doing so she can promote you in the community.
Larry Daniel thanked Mary for a great start at the new center. Please stop by the center to say
hello if you haven’t done so already. Tiffani Casey supports her part-time and thanks to the
Robinson Eminent Scholar fund and the Schultz family for their contributions for funding the
center. There will be an announcement shortly about a donor giving to the Center.
Summer School –
 The summer school budget has been reduced by $2,000 but we will be able to fund the one
course per faculty so we will be able to honor our commitments to you. We are finishing the 1213 year about 200 FTE short of the target and all of our deans and directors look at these
numbers constantly and the COEHS portion is only a tiny bit short of target and we will finish the
year out as the second best college meeting its target. This has a lot to do with funding so when
we come in under the FTE that is not good for funding. 200 FTE amounts to ½ million dollars
and the University is making internal adjustments. What it means for summer school is we need
to get a good start to enrollment. If you have ideas of courses that produce good enrollment,
please tell your chair and please encourage enrollment.
Assessment of Dispositions  Assessment of dispositions has been discussed several times and after investigating further we
wanted to know what limits do we have. We met with Mark Snow and Megan Kuehner and we
found out we have a good bit of freedom regarding the collection of data. What we would like
to do is develop a database for holding of information about dispositional outcomes. We’ve
reached out to other universities to see what other colleague institutions are doing. It is clear
that we could notate problems early so hopefully this will help us with appropriate intervention.
If other programs in this college are interested in being part of this discussion and maintaining a
similar database, please let Dr. Daniel know.
Search Update –
 Our two faculty searches are moving forward. The assistant professor in mathematics education
has one candidate scheduled to interview next week. We will consider this promising candidate.
 The ed leadership search should be masters and doctoral program director. We are considering
two finalist. We are wrapping up 1 interview today and the other will be interviewed shortly.
We’ve also kept this search open to see if any other qualified applicants apply.
Legislative Session Update –
 The legislature is starting up March 5th. They have one teacher ed bill that may or may not move
forward. There is a House bill for poverty-based education that would set-up a special fund for
school districts to apply for and could give incentive money so let’s keep an eye on this bill.
Both leaders in the State are from the panhandle and are CEO types, not educators. We are
always involved and would love to get you involved in FACTE Day on the Hill so please let
Marsha Lupi or Larry Daniel know if you’d like to join us as we do our interactions with the State.
 CELT department is bringing in 3 Chinese exchange students on Jan 17 from our partner
University, Shanxi Normal.
 Congratulations to the CELT and EDIE departments for the transition to distant learning money
 Graduate TLOs - Carolyn Stone and Sherry Shaw
 Undergraduate TLOs - John Kemppainen and Otilia Salmon
 Dr. Katie Monnin recently received a new book contract
 A special thank you to Candice and Carolyne. We’ve historically not participated in the
University’s honors program. Thank you to LSCSM department who also has two courses in the
honors program.
John Ouyang added that CELT department has two visiting scholars from Belarus and Korea.
Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 1:12 p.m.