College Leadership Team July 29, 2015

College Leadership Team
July 29, 2015
Present – Jeff Cornett, John Kemppainen, Chris Janson, Megan Possinger, Linda Sciarratta, Marsha Lupi
Call to order – The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m.
Minutes- The minutes of July 15 were approved
In Dr. O’Farrell’s absence, Dr. Lupi shared that Dr. O’Farrell has received applications for the RCF
positions. More update on this at next meeting.
Dr. Kemppainen announced Julie Van Laere, new secretary for academic advising.
FTCE updates
In a pro-active attempt to recruit for our college Dr. Possinger will have two-hour sessions with students
to review GK test content. Dr. Possinger will also take the exam to have a better understanding of the
content to share with students. Dr. Kemppainen shared that there are freshman and transfer students in
the queue who also need to take the GK test.
Special Projects part time position - MHL
The dean’s office was approved for a “Special Projects” part time person to help with international study
abroad efforts and support Dr. Possinger with accreditation projects.
Travel Authorizations – MHL
If you have an unusual situation, please share with your staff to add explanation comments on the TA.
Meet your Major, Meet your Mentor/Sophomore Transition event, Monday August 31st – JPK
August 31, 2015 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm.
The office of Academic Advising will be hosting a combined event for transitioning sophomores and meet a
major event for freshman and any prospective students interested in becoming a teacher. All COEHS
departments will have a table available for representation for this event.
International Initiatives/Belizean Team coming to UNF Sept 20-26/lunch – JPK
During the week of September 20 – September 26, a team of six will be visiting COEHS from Belize.
COEHS will be hosting a luncheon so the Belizean team can meet our Department Chairs and other
movers and shakers within the departments. Dr. Kemppainen, Dr. Syverud, and Instructor Debbie Reed
will be hosting a TLO to Belize on November 14, 2015.
St. Augustine High School Dual Enrollment, EDF 1005 update – JPK
The memorandum of understanding needs to be renewed this year and is currently in the office of General
Council. Dr. Kemppainen will check on the status of the MOU.
TCO Revisions – JPK
Dr. Kemppainen proposed that we resurrect the TCO program.
I-9, Immigration, job descriptions – LS & MHL
Green Cards depend on position descriptions, title, and salary. Please consider this when hiring foreign
international faculty.
Recruit on Assistant of Associate Professor line – MHL
It becomes an exception if you want to recruit on an Assistant or Associate line. It was presented from the
EOD office that searching for an Asst/Assoc. professor…may become an issue of discrimination. It was
suggested by EOD to recruit for either assistant or associate.
Enrollment for Fall 2015 courses – implications – MHL
Department Chairs discussed their current department enrollments.
Meeting adjourned at 10:35.