DS clinic FAQ 11.docx

Questions and Answers from information evening in Trinity College Dublin for
prospective applicants with disabilities. January 26th 2011
Are DARE forms B & C
available in word
format? Doctor’s
handwriting is illegible
and would prefer to
Currently the form is only available in PDF format.
However, an official letter from the medical
consultant/specialist which contains the information
required by the form will suffice.
Are storage lockers
available for students
who have problems
carrying books around?
Yes - lockers are provided to students who require them.
Could you say a little
more about
applications from
mature students?
Mature entrants with leaving certificate points will be
eligible for DARE consideration.
I have problems with
fine motor function.
What problems may I
encounter in
experimental work in
theoretical physics,
physics and chemistry
of advanced materials?
What assistance would
be available in the lab
work if required?
A needs assessment and if required, a risk assessment
can be carried out. This will determine the level of
supports and accommodations. It could include provision
of a lab assistant, changes to procedures, use of assistive
Is there anything
analogous to a full time
special needs
The Disability Service employs postgraduate students
known as Educational Support Workers to assist students
with a variety of occupations such as note taking or using
the library. The level of requirements for such supports is
determined during a needs assessment between the
student and the Disability Officer.
What courses are
suitable for blind
students? Does a
matriculation exam
from the 1960s still
count for admissions?
Students are advised to contact the Disability Service and
discuss their course choices. There are no restrictions on
course choice for students with disabilities, however some
courses may require reasonable adjustments which may
need to be organised in advance of the beginning of the
college year, such as alternative formatting of materials.
Questions and Answers from information evening in Trinity College Dublin for
prospective applicants with disabilities. January 26th 2011
This section is looking for the applicant to indicate how
What information is
their disability has impacted on their education. A short
required in the personal
paragraph or a few lines are sufficient.
Interested in TR028
and Film Studies and
French, what do I
need? Ordinary or
Higher level?
Course specific requirements can be found at the bottom
of the web page for each course here
If you have already
submitted your CAO
can you go back and
apply to DARE
You must opt in to DARE by 1st February and complete .
To apply to DARE you must complete section A of the
DARE form by the 1st March.
Can you change your
choices once CAO is
submitted and you
have applied to DARE
Yes the CAO permits a 'change of mind' period as
follows: 5th February (12:00 noon) to 1st March (17:15),
5th May (12:00 noon) to 1st July (17:15),
Are there DARE places
available for all
Trinity sets aside approximately 18% of course places for
non-traditional students, on all courses.
What are the points
requirement for
Computer Studies?
In 2009 it was 350 points and in 2010 it was 355 points.
Does a person with
dyspraxia have to have
the same points to
study a chosen
Any student applying for a course, regardless of their
disability, must meet matriculation requirements and any
specific course requirements. However, if they are DARE
eligible they will be eligible for a reduction in the
necessary points, and to compete for a reduced points
Questions and Answers from information evening in Trinity College Dublin for
prospective applicants with disabilities. January 26th 2011
What could one do to
help with IT skills
(typing) in transition
Touch Type Read and Spell is a typing programme based
on a dyslexia intervention programme called Alpha to
Omega. Courses are available in Ireland from
What is required for a
needs assessment?
Student should provide evidence of a disability from a
consultant or medical expert, or an educational
psychologist. Whilst there is no time limit on such
evidence to register with the Disability Service, funded
supports through the European Social Fund require that
educational psychologist reports are no older than 5
Please let me know
when Connect Me To
Trinity goes live.
It is set to go live at the end of February 2011. We will
send out notification via email.