Email to Foreign Languages & Literatures Dear Dr. Stevens,

Email to Foreign Languages & Literatures
From: Eble, Michelle
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 10:57 AM
To: Stevens, John
Cc: Johnson, Jeffrey Stephens
Subject: MA in English requirements
Dear Dr. Stevens,
The Graduate Faculty in English voted last spring to remove the research skills requirement--a “reading
knowledge of a language other than English” for the concentration in Multicultural and Transnational
Literatures (MTL) concentration. As you are aware, one way that the requirement has been met is by
students taking FORL 6000. There are a couple of students taking it this semester, I believe. As part of
the curriculum revision process, we have been asked to contact the Department of Foreign Languages
and Literatures to notify you of this proposed change.
Thanks, and please let us know if we can answer any questions for you about this proposed change.
Michelle F. Eble, PhD
Director of Graduate Studies
Associate Professor, Department of English
Bate 2201, East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858
252.328.6041, office
252.328.6412, direct
252.328.4889, fax