LAB REPORT Format.doc

Each lab report should include the following items, in this order.
1. TITLE PAGE: Include the title of the lab in the middle with date performed, and a list of
contributors below. (See illustration on next page.)
2. ORIGINAL DATA: All the measurements taken in the classroom should be recorded on
the official data sheets in the lab handout. The data must be recorded IN INK. It must
never be altered or covered with correction fluid. Errors should be crossed out with a
single straight line and re-written nearby. The data sheet should be signed by the instructor
before you leave the lab. All data recorded should include the +/- values (the absolute error
of the measurement.)
3. GRAPHS: See separate page on graphs. (Not every lab will need graphs.)
4. CALCULATION PAGE: Include one example of each kind of calculation, including
equation, substitution, and result. Every number in the report should be followed by units
(except unit-less quantities.) Round off answers to the smallest number of significant digits
used in the calculation.
5. DISCUSSION: This is the only part of the lab that must be printed out on a printer (not
hand-written.) The following items should be addressed in each discussion:
a) What are the physical principles being investigated in this lab?
b) How do your results verify the principles being investigated? Discuss and
evaluate the results, including percent errors and percent differences.
c) If there are graphs, describe the shape of the plot (straight, curved, etc) and say
what this tells you about the relationship between the variables.
d) Make a complete list of all the sources of measurement error that limit the
accuracy of the results.
e) Include a brief narrative describing the overall lab experience, including any
unexpected problems that may have arisen and any solutions you may have
DUE DATE: Lab reports are due two weeks after the lab is performed. Reports up to one week
late will be marked down by 10%. … up to two weeks late, 20%, etc., to a maximum of 50% off.
APPEARANCE: Reports should be written on standard 8.5” X 11” paper, not torn out of spiral
notebooks. Staple all sheets together in the upper-left-hand corner. Use no binders, folders, or
plastic covers. Use only one side of each sheet. Original work is needed, not photocopies.
SPELLING: Use a spell checker. Points will be deducted for gross or repeated spelling errors.