Minutes January 17

“ Friends, Romans, and Countrymen. Lend me your ears”
~Marc Anthony; “Julio Caesar” by William Shakespeare.
January 17th, 2012
I) Introduction: (5 min)
1. Lily (1 min)
Welcome to our guest Micayla Burrows.
2. Roll Call (Lucrezia) (1 min)
II) Board (25 min)
a. Breakfast with the Academic Council
Professor evaluations. A new language.
: why is Dean Merva against a language center?
A language center is a little language school or a connection with other
universities for those at JCU who want to study more languages than just
English and French. Maybe the school will add Spanish. Students want a new
language. But also Russian, Arabic, Chinese. They will most probably try with
one and see how many other students are interested. Testing centers every
year. A set schedule. New books have come in the library.
: why don't they put on the website that we are a LSAT place?
: Communication workshop. Thesis won’t be open to all students. You can
choose if it corresponds to your needs. For communication, they would need
a portfolio. Starting at a younger age so that they can learn how to do it.
Portfolio workshop at lunch time. And also explain internship. Do you want
us to bring up the fall break proposal?
: Can we suggest a class on Latin – American history and politics?
: also some more classes on literature.
: why all best English professors teach composition?
: This is also a professor’s decision.
: And it also depends on the semester. And it can be very much subjective.
: Intro new Events Coordinator: Alina Alexandrescu. Congratulations.
Forum task forces
Senior calendar. Umberto and Lily
Fall break. Lily, Alessandro, Umberto. Dean Merva wants a letter of purpose.
What do we want to achieve?
Class registration on-line. Lily and Francisco.
Jan 17, 1595 = 1595 – Henry IV of France declares war on Spain.
Jan 17, 1889 = Birth of Al Capone, American gangster (d. 1947)
Jan 17, 1946 = The UN Security Council holds its first session.
“ Friends, Romans, and Countrymen. Lend me your ears”
~Marc Anthony; “Julio Caesar” by William Shakespeare.
Alessandro and Filip. Working with prof Harris LSAT testing.
: Language. We will leave this open.
Communication majors. Alina, Yumi, Alessandro. Portfolio workshop.
VS and Senate
: Tuesday at 12:45. You can all come and vote. Do you object?
: It has never been like this.
: We want it more democratic. Also because you want to know who you are
going to work with.
: Do you motion to vote?
: no, it is ok.
(5 min)
Budget Report
7000€ on the SG account + 2000€ on our own account.
: the more we spend the more the finance office understands we need money. Or
they will understand we don't need it.
: we could buy a new Mac computer for SG in this room.
: whoever has ideas, bring up a proposal.
Kick off event: The committee will have a meeting this week. Anyone else wants to join
our committee?
Islc and Spring Fling: We will also start working on these other 2 major events.
III) General Assembly (10 min)
Raise in JCU meal plan
We need to talk about it.
: the whole system of the points is wrong. It's confusing.
: I see the problem of the raise but not the points.
The problem is that we usually have something you can afford at school.:
Some students in other universities have boycotted their cafe
: we should do it.
: we should create a task force of some people that take care of this and
update us two weeks from now : Alina Filip Lily Umberto Francisco.
Raise in Tuition
: the issue is really simple. We are growing. If you can afford it you don't
have to be here.
: The school is spending too much money in advertisement.
: advertisement in Naples on a crap bus. Jacopo is everywhere.
: I agree with him but this raise is too high
: all these issues are arising because we don't have transparency. They will
tell us you want the library, the doctor, more services then.. We cannot go
blind. Since we are in Italy they might do something under the books.
Jan 17, 1595 = 1595 – Henry IV of France declares war on Spain.
Jan 17, 1889 = Birth of Al Capone, American gangster (d. 1947)
Jan 17, 1946 = The UN Security Council holds its first session.
“ Friends, Romans, and Countrymen. Lend me your ears”
~Marc Anthony; “Julio Caesar” by William Shakespeare.
: if something like this happens we should be the first to resolve the issue.
: also scholarships. Maturity 75 is too low.
: moving away from high school scholarship. Merit base scholarship at Jcu.
: all non profit must show their breakdown. Usually universities have
: if we want to do this we must the most updated datas.
: surplus is a dead end. All the money comes from tuition. You need to have
something for when you have less students. If you want to present a good
argument, use other universities to compare ours. Although they might reply
Jcu is very cheap.
: could they just raise the tuition to the new students?
: I think it's illegal.
: also it would create less unity within the university.
: motion to close the argument unless there are new arguments.
VI) Open Session (Debates)
Lily: anything else?
VII) Closed Session (Voting)
IX) Adjournment 21:36
Jan 17, 1595 = 1595 – Henry IV of France declares war on Spain.
Jan 17, 1889 = Birth of Al Capone, American gangster (d. 1947)
Jan 17, 1946 = The UN Security Council holds its first session.