“Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If

“Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If
they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their
behinds, then they will just have to sit on their
blisters.” ~Abraham Lincoln
November 6th, 2012
I) Introduction: (3 min)
1. Lily (1 min)
Minute Approval (Valeria) (2 min)
2. Roll Call (Valeria) (1 min)
II) Board (20 min)
a. Soccer Proposal (4 min)
i. : Sporting events are the basis of community, and
supporting our team is an example of creating
community. SG would have to be “the voice” and
promote the game blu wearing school colors (blu
or white T-shirts). Athletics will get 50 TShirts. They could through scarves out to the
: prior-to-game activity could turn out
into absence at the game
: if we have enough buses
to take everybody from the
dinner to the game it is not a
problem. If we give out more
water bottles or 15 free ice
: we can make this a
yearly tradition for the first
game of the season
v. : we could do it every semester
: let’s do it for volleyball as well
: let’s do it for all sporting events
: motion to vote
; second
b. Bring back Halloween Decorations ASAP (2 min)
i. : not everyone from SG participated, however
Halloween decorations need to be brought back to
We will take the decorations from Guarini
to Tiber
c. Booklets to Kathy (1 min)
i. : booklets have been brought to Kathy
Nov 6, 1913 = Mohandas Gandhi is arrested while leading a
march of Indian miners in South Africa.
Nov 6, 1944= Plutonium is first produced at the Hanford
Atomic Facility and subsequently used in the Fat Man atomic
bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan.
Nov 6, 1962= the United Nations General Assembly passes a
resolution condemning South Africa's racist apartheid
policies and calls for all UN member states to cease
military and economic relations with the nation.
“Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If
they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their
behinds, then they will just have to sit on their
blisters.” ~Abraham Lincoln
d. Reflection
2. (4 min)
a. Q&A postponed
3. (2 min)
a. Gala Bill
i. : the gala cost $19,796.50.
: university is paying for singer and
: please provide spreadsheet of expenses
(school and SG) so it could be helpful for next
4. (2 minutes)
a. Halloween Event Turn out
i. : turned out well
: made over 200euros
: between 70 and 90 people showed up. Had
enough food and club collaboration was great.We
did not the whole 500euros we had budgeted. We
spent around 300euros which was good.
: will the report be done by all the clubs
or by SG?
v. : let’s just do it ourselves
: send out email to club and take consensus
from their responses to draft report (task by
Tuesday Nov 13)
III) General Assembly (5 min)
a. Fall Break Proposal Update
(deadline, Nov 13th)
IV) TASK Forces (10min)
1. Writing Center Task Force (5 min)
a. Update ()
i. : appointment with Keenan on Thursday;
: focus on appointments to be made in
writing lab and having a calendar so students
see which spots are available.
: If Keenan does want to open WL on fridays
we could have a trial to see how it turns out
: every school has writing centers and it
should be opened anyways as we are paying for a
Nov 6, 1913 = Mohandas Gandhi is arrested while leading a
march of Indian miners in South Africa.
Nov 6, 1944= Plutonium is first produced at the Hanford
Atomic Facility and subsequently used in the Fat Man atomic
bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan.
Nov 6, 1962= the United Nations General Assembly passes a
resolution condemning South Africa's racist apartheid
policies and calls for all UN member states to cease
military and economic relations with the nation.
“Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If
they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their
behinds, then they will just have to sit on their
blisters.” ~Abraham Lincoln
service ; we could try a trial during midterms
and finals. It should be available
2. Registrar Task Force (3 min)
a. Emails Problem ()
i. : we spoke to Anna. She recognized that
everything was messed up. Next semester they
hope there will be more time. Carmen leaving
created problems.
: these issues were present even before
Carmen had left.
: we need the calendar because next
semester we have the graduation ceremony
: we have calendars for various reasons, so
when an email is sent three days before an audit
it creates confusion. Setting a date could be
more organized
v. : calendar could help advisors as well
: errors do happen, so let’s be diplomatic
: has registrar ever considered online
: investing in web registration was considered
but it is not possible now
: we should extend online registration to
DS because of timing with the registrar
x. : we should encourage the calendar issue as it
would benefit the senior class as a whole.
Online registration would be beneficial for
freshmen and abroad students as well. Software
issue (and cost) should be directed to Giummarra
: let’s talk to Registrar first and then
bring it to Giummarra
: Carmen being absent could be detrimental
to our meeting with registrar
V) Committees (25minutes)
1. Academic Affairs
a. : Discussion about the Q&A
i. Dean of Students
Nov 6, 1913 = Mohandas Gandhi is arrested while leading a
march of Indian miners in South Africa.
Nov 6, 1944= Plutonium is first produced at the Hanford
Atomic Facility and subsequently used in the Fat Man atomic
bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan.
Nov 6, 1962= the United Nations General Assembly passes a
resolution condemning South Africa's racist apartheid
policies and calls for all UN member states to cease
military and economic relations with the nation.
“Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If
they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their
behinds, then they will just have to sit on their
blisters.” ~Abraham Lincoln
1. : dean of students handles sensitivity
issues that go on in the university;
dean of students would provide support
us as student organizations when it
comes to proposals.
2. : we could give the role to someone of
3. : Harris and Govero are associates as
4. : Lanzone used to sign all of our events
request forms and he played part of the
role of dean of students
5. : being involved and managing logistics
is different from being dean of
students. Pilar does not have the
necessary background to be dean of
students. We have faculty that has a
good background for the role
6. : the issue is not going to the finance
office; it’s about having a proper
system, and it seems like the system is
not working now
7. : with MUN we do everything with the
finance office; we never deal with Pilar
8. : Special Events has to receive our
proposals before approving our proposal,
telling us everything regarding the
logistics, which have nothing to do with
either Stefano or Giummarra
9. : Special Events also has to tell Eva
(in charge of cafeteria), which never
10. : dean of students is like a figure
that supports students, who needs to be
understanding and adaptable to what
students want
11. : it is difficult here because Dean
Merva is in charge of everything, not
only of students; it is intimidating. It
is conflicting
Nov 6, 1913 = Mohandas Gandhi is arrested while leading a
march of Indian miners in South Africa.
Nov 6, 1944= Plutonium is first produced at the Hanford
Atomic Facility and subsequently used in the Fat Man atomic
bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan.
Nov 6, 1962= the United Nations General Assembly passes a
resolution condemning South Africa's racist apartheid
policies and calls for all UN member states to cease
military and economic relations with the nation.
“Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If
they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their
behinds, then they will just have to sit on their
blisters.” ~Abraham Lincoln
12. : it is a lot of work on her and it
should not be all on her, because the
system will eventually break down
13. : it is a very delicate situation
14. : we should let Q+A pass now and think
about the issues to bring up at the Q+A.
15. : will we have a say in who needs to
be the dean of students?
16. : we should voice our opinion
17. : they have to make the ultimate
decision; the administration is not
going to let us choose
18. : academic committee should be focuses
on this issue and see what the dean of
students entails as a job; we have to
have our own framework on this
19. : I don’t believe students have the
right to come up with names or
professors; wee role should list some
factors instead
20. : we could come up with a list of
qualities and narrow it down to the
right people
21. : we could consider assistant deans
for the role
22. : we shouldn’t name the people to
choose because we don’t know what the
administration knows when it comes to
hiring someone. We can list what we need
the dean of students to do
23. : we don’t have the power to choose;
we can strongly recommend a dean of
student as SG, having talked about it in
our meetings. Let’s work withe the
administration in a civilized manner
24. : we could talk about it during the
forums for further feedback from
students before bringing the issue up to
the Q+A
25. : Sg members better now faculty and
administration members
Nov 6, 1913 = Mohandas Gandhi is arrested while leading a
march of Indian miners in South Africa.
Nov 6, 1944= Plutonium is first produced at the Hanford
Atomic Facility and subsequently used in the Fat Man atomic
bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan.
Nov 6, 1962= the United Nations General Assembly passes a
resolution condemning South Africa's racist apartheid
policies and calls for all UN member states to cease
military and economic relations with the nation.
“Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If
they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their
behinds, then they will just have to sit on their
blisters.” ~Abraham Lincoln
26. : we need to get the students’
momentum and inform who is unaware of
what a dean of students is
27. : maybe we should ask the Dean or
whoever it concerns if they want to
recommend someone for the role
28. : it is a matter of putting the right
person in the right position
29. : academic committee is going to take
care of this
a. (5 min)
i. American university of Central Asia
1. two representatives
ii. American University of Armenia
1. interested in coming; has a lot to due
with the cost. Dean Merva is looking
into getting housing for the students
iii. American University in Bulgaria
1. 2 representatives probably
iv. Morocco
1. 2 of them are still in SG
v. International Phone Call
1. We have it; will talk about it tomorrow
VI) Open Session (Debates)
VII) Closed Session (Voting)
*If we are going to pass the “Promote the jCU Spirit & Community
Building proposal”:
FOR: 9
motion carries
IX) Adjournment: 21:34
Nov 6, 1913 = Mohandas Gandhi is arrested while leading a
march of Indian miners in South Africa.
Nov 6, 1944= Plutonium is first produced at the Hanford
Atomic Facility and subsequently used in the Fat Man atomic
bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan.
Nov 6, 1962= the United Nations General Assembly passes a
resolution condemning South Africa's racist apartheid
policies and calls for all UN member states to cease
military and economic relations with the nation.