October 16, 2012


“Each of us has heaven and hell in him” ― “Dorian Gray”, Oscar Wilde



October 16, 2012

I) Introduction: (3 min)


(1 min)

Minute Approval (2 min)


Roll Call (1 min)

II) Board (25 min)


(2 min) a.

Individual Meetings i.

Next week, meeting with the president. If you think of continuing student government in the future.



 Events report

: here we have all the event reports. You can go through them and decide if you want to do any changes. We only have a few copies because we are trying to save up credits and not to waste paper.

III) General Assembly (10 min)

IV) Committees (15minutes)


Academic Affairs (8-10 minutes) i.

Academic report. I will send the invitation to dean Merva and the members of the council. We will have a meeting with her next week. 11am next Tuesday? Yes. We will send an email. b.

Dividing Tasks Up i.

Having a meeting with Academic Service.

: didn’t we talk about new books with the library?

: yeah, but they accept donations, it is up to the career services.

Who is having a meeting with me?

Communication classes: professors that are missing books in the library.

: they updated the program in the MAC lab!

-Mac will be opened at weekends.

: we would be happy to pay more if we know where our money is going. We should find a way to ask in a nice way to Stefano.

: they should provide the information to us, not us looking for it.

: ask the financial office.

: I tried to look for it by myself, but I could not. Anyway I will try to look for it again and I will ask Stefano again.

: I feel there is a lot of waste in here, in the school.

: we can also start talking about scholarships and the way they are given.

: we are both students and clients

: also, we have also nearly riched the maximum number and if we average again the scholarship it would be

: shall we do a task force?

: a task force for fiscal money where our money is going.

: is Stefano still here?

: yeah, one more week

“Each of us has heaven and hell in him” ― “Dorian Gray”, Oscar Wilde

: I will ask him tomorrow which website I have to l check, I will print a copy of the datas and bring it here next week.

: two professors from two different areas and that students know a little bit so that we can ask them questions.

: that would take away from the Q and A with head of departments.


Community Service a.

(5 min) i.

Email to Aislynn

I will meet her tomorrow. Also, Pilar is giving me the tshirts on

Thursday. 1-4:30 at school.

: when you email pilar, can you cc Emily?

: stand is going at 8 we can go at 9 because I have the money.


Social Events :

: waiting to hear from the other clubs.


Constitutional Committee i.


: today we are only voting on the email.

motion to vote on art 1 favor: 10 against: abstein:1

Motion Carries ii.

Motion to vote on art 2, president: favor:10 against: abstain: 1

Motion Carries iii.

Motion to vote on art 2, secretary: favor: 10 against: abstain: 1

Motion Carries iv.

Motion to vote on art 2, social event committee: favor:10 against: abstain:1

Motion Carries v.

Motion to vote on art 2, representatives and senators: favor:10 against: abstain: 1

Motion Carries vi.

Motion to vote on art 2 visiting students: favor:9 against:1

“Each of us has heaven and hell in him” ― “Dorian Gray”, Oscar Wilde abstain: 1

Motion Carries vii.

Motion to vote on art 3: favor:10 against: abstain: 1

Motion Carries viii.

Motion to umbrella art 4 into a task force. ix.

Motion to vote on task forces: favor:9 against:

VI) Legislation (minutes)

VI) Open Session (Debates) abstain:2

Motion Carries

-> only missing art 4. And we will receive other things by email.

: why does AUR a fall break? We should have it. I will make a calendar, bring it here and then present it to dean merva.

: I think they go to school on Fridays. You should double check that

: I will work with him

VII) Closed Session (Voting)

IX) Adjournment
