HEC Marketing Professor JEAN-NOEL KAPFERER wins the 2004 Tamer S. Cavusgil Award

Press Release
HEC Marketing Professor
wins the 2004 Tamer S. Cavusgil Award
from the American Marketing Association
HEC Marketing Professor, Jean-Noël Kapferer, has been awarded the 2004 Tamer S.
Cavusgil Award from the American Marketing Association for his article, co-authored
with I. Schuiling, “Real Differences Between Local and International
Brands: Strategic Implications for International Marketers”.
This award recognizes the article that has made the most significant contribution to
international marketing theory or thought.
The article, co-authored with I. Schuiling whose doctoral research was undertakan
under his direction, appears in the December 2004 issue of Journal of
International Marketing. It is based on the analysis of a European database, 507
brands, multi-markets, in four major countries and several thousands of responses.
The results show that local brands have a unique goodwill , a specific added value
which is vital to specific markets. This calls for more prudence in the handling of
global portfolios , and taking some distance vis à vis the rampant herdism in brand
managerial practice .
The American Marketing Association experienced a record number of submissions in
2004, which reflects the renewed focus of the Academic Council’s winter educators
meeting on providing a forum for presenting and discussing cutting-edge
Professor Kapferer, HEC graduate and Ph.D. from Northwestern University teaches
marketing in several HEC programs. He is a worldwide speaker on brand
management and animates executive seminars on strategic issues related to brands.
Jean-Noël Kapferer has just published his latest book in the USA “The New Strategic
Brand Management”,( Kogan Page ed.) in direct competition with the publications of
two other worldwide experts in the field of brand marketing, the Americans
D.A.Aaker and K.L.Keller.
Professor Kapferer has previously published three international books which have
become references in their domain: “Strategic Brand Management”, “Re-inventing
the brand”, and “Rumors “( an essay on word of mouth management ). He is the
author of more than 100 articles .
The award will be given at the 2005 Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference Awards
Luncheon, to take place in February in Texas, USA. This years conference is
“Understanding Diverse and Emerging Markets, Technologies and Strategies”
Press Contact, HEC School of Management
Catherine Rousseau
 +33 1 39 67 94 23
 +33 1 39 67 94 46
e-mail : rousseau@hec.fr
Jouy-en-Josas, 13th January 2005