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West Lancashire Heritage Association
Registered Charity No. 1083643
February 2009
Ruth Vose Memorial Lecture
On 21st January the first memorial lecture was given by
Judith Jesch, Professor of Viking Studies, Nottingham University
Speaking Like a Viking:
Language and Cultural Interaction in the Irish Sea Region
The lecture addressed the question of the Viking contribution to the Irish Sea region in
general, and the north-west of England and the Isle of Man In particular. Recent wellpublicised genetic research suggests that men of Scandinavian origin passed through
the region and left their genes behind, but tells us little about the communities
within which this Interaction took place.
The picture can be filled out from other evidence which shows an extensive Viking
contribution to language and culture. Using a combination of place-names, runic
inscriptions and stone sculpture, Judith teased out information about the languages
spoken in the region in the Viking Age, the family life of the migrants, their religion, and
their reactions to new landscapes.
Judith also attempted to demonstrate the important role played by women in the
preservation and transmission of Norse language and culture. The conclusion was that
the Viking Age migrations should be seen as a diaspora, in which the migrants were
linguistically and culturally connected both to the Viking homelands and to other
migrants in the British Isles and across the North Atlantic, while also adapting to their
new homes.
Events for your Diary
(All events to be held at Hurlston Hall Golf Club commencing 7.30 pm unless otherwise stated)
Wednesday 18th March 2009
Presentation by Ray Irving commencing at 7.30 pm
Sunday 26th April 2009
St George's Day Lunch
There will be a lunch on 26th April for members and
friends at Hurlston Hall Golf club with a talk by Cliff Astin on the theme of
"What's in a Name?"
Lunch is at 12.30pm for 1 pm Tickets £12.50 from Patrick Waite on 01695 573350.
Wednesday 20th May 2009
"I'm a Lancastrian"
Presentation by John Cotterall commencing 7.30 pm.
Wednesday 17th June 2009
Lavender Farms at Rainford
Full details later - commences 7.30 pm.
Wednesday 16th September 2009
Harold Ackroyd VC and other stories
Presentation by Keith Bond commencing 7.30 pm.
Wednesday 28th October 2009
Christianity and Bank Notes
Presentation by Dr. Richard Underwood.
Friday 27th November 2009
Lancashire Day Hotpot and Quiz
at Scarisbrick Village Hall, details to follow.
Wednesday 9th December 2009
Heritage Christmas Dinner
Details to follow.
In the light of the probable lengthy delay in the provision of a permanent heritage centre, the Association is
currently considering the possibility of creating a Mobile Exhibition Unit(s) which could tour various
locations throughout the District. Discussions are being held with the University of Central Lancashire
and Edge Hill College on the collection and preparation of the display material.
If any members are aware of any local people/lecturers would they please let Dorothy Aindow know, The
bigger the pool of people the more varied future programmes. She would also welcome ideas for visits, etc.
Dorothy's telephone no. is 01704 892450.