WHO: Cadet Jake Donahue
WHAT: Army 10-Mile Race
WHEN: 9-12OCT2015
WHERE: Washington D.C.
SUMMARY: The Army 10-Mile team was made up of two MSIVs, four MSIIIs,
and two MSIs. The team started training as soon as school started and
continued up until the day before they left. The training was a vigorous mix of
distance runs, track workouts and strength training. The tough workouts
leading up to the race fully prepared the team to be successful. This year was
the 31st annual Army 10-Mile race and over 35,000 runners turned out for the
event, with over 100 wounded warriors leading the charge.
The team landed in Washington DC on Friday evening. After checking into
the hotel the team bonded at dinner. On Saturday the team got an early start
by going up into Washington DC to see the countless monuments and
museums it had to offer. Later that day the team attended a meet and greet
with the Commanding General of ROTC, MG Combs. The team listened to a
short speech and was able to meet her and get a photograph.
Sunday was the day of the race. The runners were up early to get to the start
line for their respective heats. The 10 mile race started by the Pentagon, then
went through Washington DC, by the National Mall and finished next to the
Pentagon. The Cowboy performed well as a whole in the race with Cadet
McArthur leading the males by completing the race in 62 and a half minutes.
After the race, the runners went to tour Washington DC more, seeing the
Holocaust museum, the White House, Capitol Hill and the National Mall.
Before flying out on Monday, they went to the Arlington National Cemetery
and saw the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier where they met several World War
Two veterans before witnessing the Changing of the Guard. This was a special
and humbling experience for all of them. Thinking of the sacrifice of the brave
men and women of the United States Military gave the Polks new perspective
on what selfless service truly means.
The Army 10-Miler was both physically and mentally challenging, but was an
unforgettable experience recalled Cadet Ben McArthur.