MBA Confidential Financial Statement and Affidavit of Support

University of Wyoming
Admissions Office
Dept. 3435, 1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Confidential Financial Statement
MBA Student
Every applicant to the University of Wyoming must have sufficient funds to meet his or her educational needs. For this reason,
we ask you to complete the following Confidential Financial Statement. It is your responsibility to demonstrate that you have
sufficient funding to meet all University and living expenses for at least the first year of your studies. We assume that this
funding will be available for the duration of your degree program. This form must be completed before an I-20 or DS 2019 can
be obtained for a visa allowing entry to the United States. This is in compliance with the regulations of the US Citizenship and
Immigration Services. This also applies if you plan to transfer to the University of Wyoming from an institution within the US.
The estimated financial cost for one academic year (nine months) of graduate study at the University of Wyoming is:
Single Student (non-resident)*
Tuition and Fees
Living Expenses
Married Students (no children and non-resident)**
$ 26,769
$ 12,993
Tuition and Fees
$ 26,769
(double if both are students)
Living Expenses
(includes room and board, health insurance and books)
$ 12,993
(includes room and board, health insurance and books)
Spouse’s Living Expenses
$ 5,500
(health insurance, personal expenses, etc.)
*Based on 11 credits per semester (actual tuition will vary based on the actual credit hours enrolled). **Cost per child is estimated to be an additional $3,250
You will need an additional $7,400 if you plan to attend summer session. All international students are required to participate
in the University’s health insurance program. The cost is approximately $1756 per year and the program is mandatory with
family rates also available for the student.
The University of Wyoming Trustees may change tuition and fees at any time. All amounts above are estimates only and
may vary according to your habits and lifestyles. These estimates assume a modest standard of living and don’t include any
personal expenses students may incur. Please anticipate spending an average of $2,500 on personal expenses per year.
Personal expenses include local travel, entertainment, clothing and other costs that vary greatly with each individual.
Name of Student ___________________________________________________________________________________
Last (family or surname)
Student W Number (if known) _________________________
Student Birth date (mm/dd/yyyy)_____________________
Sources and amounts of financial support (indicate amount in US dollars):
1. From Savings ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...$ ________
(Enclose an official and original bank statement signed by bank official)
2. From Family ……….………………………………………………………………………………………………$ ________
(Complete affidavit of support on the back of this form. An official and original bank statement signed by a bank official must accompany it)
3. Financial Aid from Government Agency, Private Foundation, Bank or Other Agency..…………………………..$ ________
(Enclose an official and original letter indicating amount and availability of funds)
4. Financial Support from the University of Wyoming………………………………………………………………$ _________
(Enclose award letter or identify specific source of support)
5. Total Support for first year at the University of Wyoming……………..…………………………………….$ _________
By signing my name to this form, I certify that the information I have given is a correct statement of my arrangements for
financing my studies at the University of Wyoming.
Applicant’s Signature________________________________________________________
Date _________________
University of Wyoming
Admissions Office
Dept. 3435, 1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Affidavit of Support
(to be completed by sponsor)
Financial Guarantee
State below the amount (in US dollars at current exchange rate) available per calendar year while you will be in the US; do not
include travel funds, anticipated earnings, or uncertain funds.
Name of Student _________________________________________________ Student’s Birth date: ______/______/_______
Student W Number (if known) ____________________ Amount available per calendar year US$ ______________________
Relationship to applicant ________________________ This amount guaranteed by __________________________________
(Sponsor’s name)
Statement of Guarantor
I hereby state I am willing/able to guarantee the financial support of ______________________________________________
during the entire time of his/her studies at the University of Wyoming. Evidence of my financial resources in the form of a
bank statement accompanies this affidavit of support.
Signature _______________________________________________________________ Date ________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________
An official and original bank statement must accompany this form unless you have enclosed an official copy or statement of
your award from your sponsor. Without the items mentioned, your application will not be considered complete, and you will
not receive the immigration form I-20 or DS 2019.
You are advised to keep copes of all financial documents submitted to the University of Wyoming. Similar information will be
required for the United States Consular Office when you apply for your visa.
Mail this completed form and accompanying information to:
University of Wyoming
Admissions Office
Dept. 3435, 1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071, U.S.A.