Year 4 Abacus LNF 2013 (Start with the Framework) (DOC, 159 KB)

National Numeracy Framework for Wales 2013
Where are the numeracy skills covered in Abacus?
Key Stage 2
processes and
Represent and
LNF Year 4
Year 3
Year 4
Year 4
Year 5
Learners are able to:
 transfer mathematical skills to a variety of contexts and everyday situations
 identify the appropriate steps and information needed to complete the task
or reach a solution
 select appropriate mathematics and techniques to use
 select and use suitable instruments and units of measurement
 choose an appropriate mental or written strategy and know when it is
appropriate to use a calculator
 estimate and visualise size when measuring and use the correct units
 explain results and procedures clearly using mathematical language
 refine informal methods of recording written calculations, moving to formal
methods of calculation when developmentally ready
 use appropriate notation, symbols and units of measurement
 select and construct appropriate charts, diagrams and graphs with suitable
 select from an increasing range of checking strategies to decide if answers
are reasonable
 interpret answers within the context of the problem and consider whether
answers, including calculator, analogue and digital displays, are sensible
 draw conclusions from data and recognise that some conclusions may be
misleading or uncertain
Developing numerical reasoning skills
In Abacus, numerical reasoning is embedded throughout. (For example: problem solving and reasoning activities; ‘Think’ questions on workbook and textbook pages; group activities; interactive
problem solving and speaking and listening activities.) We rarely list reasoning-type objectives in the lesson plans, because we would run out of space! So although this chart may make it seem as
though there are gaps in this area, please be assured that Abacus gives very good coverage of the Developing numerical reasoning skills.
Version 2
Last updated: 25th November 2014
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National Numeracy Framework for Wales 2013
Where are the numeracy skills covered in Abacus?
Key Stage 2
Use number
facts and
and ratio
Version 2
LNF Year 4
Year 3
Year 4
Learners are able to:
 read and write numbers to 10 000
compare and estimate with numbers up to 1000
use mental strategies to recall multiplication tables for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10
and use to solve division problems
multiply and divide numbers by 10 and 100
halve 3-digit numbers in the context of number, money and measures
find fractional quantities using known table facts, e.g. 1/6 of 30cm
recognise fractions that are several parts of a whole, e.g. 2/3, 3/10
Last updated: 25th November 2014
Week 2
Week 5
Week 9
Week 11
Week 15
Week 16
Week 19
Year 4
Year 5
Week 2
Week 19
Week 21
Week 2
Week 11
Week 3
Week 26
Week 7
Week 16
Week 22
Week 29
Week 6
Week 6
Week 13
Week 3
Week 29
Week 30
Week 6
Week 13
Week 25
Week 29
Week 30
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National Numeracy Framework for Wales 2013
Where are the numeracy skills covered in Abacus?
Key Stage 2
using mental
and written
Estimate and
Manage money
LNF Year 4
Year 3
Year 4
Learners are able to:
 find differences within 1000
add a 2-digit number to, and subtract a 2-digit number from, a 3-digit
number using an appropriate mental or written method
Week 16
Week 17
Week 19
Week 25
Week 26
Week 27
Week 30
use mental strategies to multiply and divide 2-digit numbers by a single digit
Week 20
Week 22
Week 23
Week 29
Week 30
check answers using inverse operations
estimate by rounding to the nearest 10 or 100
Week 20
Week 22
Week 5
Week 9
Week 15
use money to pay for items up to £10 and calculate the change
order and compare items up to £100
add and subtract totals less than £10 using correct notation,
e.g. £6.85 – £2.76
manage money, compare costs from different retailers and determine what
can be bought within a given budget
Year 4
Year 5
Week 1
Week 26
Week 1
Week 2
Week 5
Week 9
Week 11
Week 12
Week 16
Week 17
Week 26
Week 3
Week 10
Week 13
Week 15
Week 20
Week 23
Week 30
Week 23
Week 27
Week 9
Week 23
Week 15
Week 12
Week 17
Week 27
Using number skills: Manage money
This is an area in which Abacus does not cover all of the skills required in the Numeracy Framework. This means you may need to add some extra days teaching in your maths planning.
Version 2
Last updated: 25th November 2014
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National Numeracy Framework for Wales 2013
Where are the numeracy skills covered in Abacus?
Key Stage 2
Year 3
Year 4
Learners are able to:
 measure and calculate the perimeter of squares and rectangles
Area and
Angle and
LNF Year 4
measure on a ruler to the nearest mm and record using a mix of units,
e.g. 1cm 3mm
use weighing scales with divisions to weigh objects to the nearest 5g, 10g,
25g or 100g
measure capacities to the nearest 50ml or 100ml
convert metric units of length to smaller units,
e.g. cm to mm, m to cm, km to m
tell the time to the nearest minute on analogue clocks
read hours and minutes on a 24-hour digital clock
time and order events in seconds
use calendars to plan events
take temperature readings using thermometers and interpret readings
above and below 0°C
recognise volume in practical contexts
use eight compass points to describe direction
Week 27
Week 28
Year 4
Year 5
Week 18
Week 24
Week 4
Week 8
Week 27
Week 18
Week 28
Week 8
Week 4
Week 18
Week 4
Week 18
Week 28
Using measuring skills: Time
This is an area in which Abacus does not cover all of the skills required in the Numeracy Framework. This means you will need to either add in some extra days teaching in your maths planning, or
cover these skills in another area of the curriculum.
Using measuring skills: Temperature
This is an area in which Abacus does not cover all of the skills required in the Numeracy Framework. This means you will need to either add in some extra days teaching in your maths planning, or
cover these skills in another area of the curriculum, such as science.
Using measuring skills: Area and volume; Angle and position
This is an area in which Abacus does not cover all of the skills required in the Numeracy Framework. This means you will need to either add in some extra days teaching in your maths planning, or
cover these skills in another area of the curriculum, such as geography.
Version 2
Last updated: 25th November 2014
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National Numeracy Framework for Wales 2013
Where are the numeracy skills covered in Abacus?
Key Stage 2
Using data
Collect and
record data
Present and
analyse data
LNF Year 4
Abacus Year 2
Year 4
Learners are able to:
 represent data using:
 lists, tally charts, tables and diagrams
 represent data using:
 bar charts and bar line graphs labelled in 2s, 5s and 10s
 represent data using:
 pictograms where one symbol represents more than one unit
using a key
 represent data using:
 Venn and Carroll diagrams
 extract and interpret information from charts, timetables, diagrams
and graphs
Week 4
Year 3
Year 4
Week 24
Week 8
Week 28
Week 24
Week 28
Year 5
Week 4
Week 24
Week 28
Using data skills
This is an area in which, at this stage, Abacus does not seem cover all of the skills required in the Numeracy Framework. During the remainder of the writing process, we will do our best to make
sure these skills are covered fully in the teaching for the Spring and/or Summer terms.
Version 2
Last updated: 25th November 2014
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