619 Review Slides

619 Final Review
Fall 2015
Professor Ammann
Review Topics Covered
Highlight Key Technical Concepts
Identify Areas for Study on Final
Final May Test Several Concepts in a Given
Strong Showing on Final
619 Final Review
Procedural Abstractions
(Liskov 1-3)
Preconditions (Requires Clause)
Postconditions (Effects Clause)
Modifies Clause
You Can Read and Write Such Specifications
Underdetermined Behavior
Deterministic Implementations
619 Final Review
Exceptions (Liskov 4, Bloch 9)
Rationale for Exceptions
Total vs. Partial Specifications
Replacing Preconditions with Defined
Role of “FailureException”
Specifications Include Exception Returns
Checked vs. Unchecked Exceptions
Bloch’s List of Standard Exceptions
Masking vs. Reflection
619 Final Review
Data Abstraction (Liskov 5)
Fundamental Topic
Specifications for:
Expect Significant Exam Coverage
Overview (Typical “Object”)
Abstraction Function (toString())
Representation Invariant (repOk())
You Can Expect to Write/Modify Some or All of
Understanding, not Formality, is the Focus
619 Final Review
More Data Abstraction (Liskov
IntSet and Poly Examples
Reasoning about Data Abstractions
Role of Abstraction Function
Role of Representation Invariant
Value of Abstraction Function in Specific Examples
Value of Representation Invariant in Specific Examples
How to Argue a that Method Meets its Contract
Other Issues
Exposing the Rep
619 Final Review
Key topic
Should be comfortable converting between
mutable and immutable types
Achieving mutability, using guidance from
both Liskov and Bloch
Transforming mutators to producers
Limiting subtyping
Limiting changes to instance variables
619 Final Review
Iteration Abstraction (Liskov
Specifying Iterators
Preconditions and Postconditions
Constraints on Modifications While Generator is in
Implementing Iterators in Java
Abstraction Functions for Iterators
Value of Abstraction Function in Specific Examples
Abstraction Function For Extensions
Allowing a prev() as well as a next() method
Allowing a remove() method
619 Final Review
Type Hierarchy (Liskov 7)
Fundamental Topic
Uses of Type Hierarchy
Extending Behavior vs. Multiple Implementations
Substitution Principle
Extensions, Abstract Classes, Interfaces
Understanding Overriding vs. Overloading
Dynamic Dispatching
Apparent Type vs. Actual Type
619 Final Review
Type Hierarchy (Liskov 7)
Reasoning About Subtypes
Signature Rule
Methods Rule
Rules for Exceptions
More Rules for Exceptions
Properties Rule
619 Final Review
Polymorphic Abstraction
(Liskov 8)
Element Subtype vs. Related Subtype
Comparable vs Comparator
Addable vs. Adder
Be Prepared to Analyze, Complete, and/or
Analyze an Implementation
619 Final Review
Object Creation/Destruction
(Bloch 2, and other Items)
Rules for Object creation
Bloch Chapter 2
Constructor chaining and it’s analogues
Static factories, constructors with many parameters
Similar rules apply for cloning, serialization
Access to uninitialized state
See Bloch Item 17
619 Final Review
Methods Common to All
Objects (Bloch 3)
Consistency with equals()
Transitivity, Symmetry, Substitution for
Why is Liskov’s clone() (page 97) wrong?
619 Final Review
Classes and Interfaces (Bloch
Composition vs. Inheritance
Why it is Preferable
How to Achieve
Why is Composition Preferable?
Understand Bloch’s InstrumentedSet example
Potential Problems for Inheritance
Mechanisms to Prohibit Inheritance
619 Final Review
Generics (Bloch 5)
Replacing raw types with generics
Eliminating unchecked warnings
Generic interactions with Lists vs. Arrays
Covariant Arrays vs. Invariant Generics
Generifying types and methods
Bounded wildcards
Relaxing the invariance of generics
619 Final Review
Enums, Annotations (Bloch 6)
Problems with C-Style Enums
Enums, EnumSet, EnumMap
Simple Annotations
@Test, @SuppressWarnings, @Override…
619 Final Review
Concurrency (Bloch 10)
Synchronized methods
for mutual exclusion
for reliable communication between threads
619 Final Review
Specification Checking
Specifications for Common Properties
Temporal Logic for Specification
Simple Specification Patterns
Kansas State University material
Computational Tree Logic (CTL)
Linear Temporal Logic (LTL)
Links on course schedule
Huth and Ryan is also a excellent source
619 Final Review
JUnit and JavaDoc
JUnit tests for a given JavaDoc description
JavaDoc and JUnit for exceptions
Contract model and Junit
JUnit theories
(typed) parameters in test methods
Data sources (JUnit)
preconditions: assumeTrue(…)
postconditions: assertTrue(…)
Can you count?
619 Final Review
Wrap Up
Final Exam
Closed Book/Closed Notes
But One (1) 8.5x11 sheet of paper, handwritten
Covered Material
Liskov: Chapters 1-8
Bloch: Chapters 2-6, 9-10
Plus special topics
Temporal Logic, JUnit, Basic Agile
619 Final Review