Jan. 25 Chairs Mtg Notes

College of Health Sciences & Human Ecology
Chairs Meeting Notes
January 25, 2016
1:30-2:35 p.m., Sattgast 314
Present: M. Driscoll, T. Gilbertson, T. Goodwin, E. Hagensen, D. Palivec
Absent: S. Rickers
Zach Johnson from the Advising Success Center attended to discuss AARs for this coming spring and summer.
There will only be one program per day and will be in the Beaux Arts Ballroom. They are capped at 65 students
for each program. Please put the dates on your calendar and give them to your faculty. Lunch will be served
at Freshmen AAR’s and faculty are welcome to attend the lunch at noon. It was suggested that “round” tables
be used to encourage interaction with the groups. It was also suggested that a guide sheet be made to help
faculty with talking points. Compensation will be the same as the past. BSU polo shirts will be ordered and it
is encouraged that you wear one so there is common dress among advisors.
Cheryl Berglund from Human Resources attended to discuss Family Medical Leave. She handed out the
guidelines. They are also in the IFO Contract. Carol Hess from HR is the BSU contact person.
Reminder to let Troy know if you have names to present for the CHSHE advisory board. He plans to have an
advisory board luncheon and meeting this spring.
Let Troy know where you’re at with departmental assessment.
Good News Items:
Criminal Justice – Curriculum Proposal is moving along.
Psychology – One candidate interviewed last week and one more this Wednesday. The Outside Assessment
Interviewer’s contract is signed!
Professional Education – SPED position being posted. Janine Wahl will be moved into Jim Mastro’s position
and Janine’s position will be changed to MSUAASF and advertised.
The President’s office has $175 for faculty retirement parties. They need to be on-campus for the entire
campus community and food purchased from ARA. The department typically plans these parties, but Tammy
has volunteered to help if needed.
Troy visited Teresa LaFriniere and Shari Augustine about on-line scheduling. Beginning with the fall schedule
the departments will be inputting on-line courses, and not the Records Office staff. Troy will visit with Mary
Herried about this.
Background check discussion will be put on the next agenda so Sue Rickers can be at the meeting for this
Troy reminded everyone of the Tenure and Promotion deadlines.
Troy is working with Academic Affairs on scheduling his 360 evaluation, which will come via e-mail to faculty
and staff.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Tammy Mayer
Next Chairs Meeting: February 8, 1:30, Sattgast 314