Working with Troubled and Troubling Students, Faculty and Staff

Engage, Relationships, & Carefrontation
loud, opinionated,
dominate discussions,
rude, poor social skills,
unusual dress or appearance,
loner, dark or odd writings or
verbal expressions,
non-traditional views, etc.
depressed, suicidal,
isolated, aggressive or
threatening, etc.
What have we learned from campus incidents:
Faculty members have the right and responsibility to manage classroom behavior.
Communication with others about concerns related to troubling student behavior is
important; the earlier the better.
Relationship building with students is important. When we know students, we build
trusting relationships that affect success and also promote awareness of student struggles.
Carefrontation – confronting disruptive or troubling behavior in a caring way. Making
referrals to campus services and resources and following up with the student.
Handling student concerns and issues at the lowest effective level is most successful.
Students view faculty and staff as mentors. Your intervention with troubled students can be
very powerful and result in positive outcomes.
Who’s job is it?
We all share responsibility to work with students to be successful. Whether troubled or not,
our collaborative effort with students will best lead to safe and positive learning
If I have concerns about a student’s behavior or mental health, what should I do?
o Talk with colleagues, chair, counseling center, conduct officer, student development
(while respecting issues of confidentiality). Discussing your concerns not only
provides you support, but also helps identify options for dealing with the issues.
o Talk with the student. Addressing your concerns through “carefrontation” allows
you to continue to develop the meaningful relationship while also allowing further
assessment of the issues.
o If a direct threat is perceived, contact the Department of Security & Safety or 911
Campus venues for dealing with student behavior:
- Disability Services
- Student Conduct System
- Emotional/Physical Health Review