UNDERSTANDING GRAMMAR SEGL 252 by appointment: office, online, or phone

SEGL 252
David Marlow
E-mail address:
Website URL:
HPAC 203
(864) 503-5849
Office Hours:
by appointment: office, online, or phone
Optional F2F review sessions: Thursdays at 11AM
Course Description
This course helps students understand the system of rules underlying the grammar of English; it makes
a distinction between rules of usage and rules of grammar. To introduce the structure of Standard
American English, students complete many instructive, practical, and interesting language activities.
The exercises are designed to reinforce the principles of English grammar and to give the students the
chance to discover for themselves how the English language works. It is hoped that the students will
challenge the generalizations they arrive at, look for exceptions and counterexamples, and check their
conclusions against what they observe about the use of English rather than accept what grammar
teachers and handbooks claim to be a fact about the English language
Required texts
• Textbook: Klammer. Analyzing English Grammar. ISBN(1): 0-321-42618-5
• Hacker, Diana. Rules for Writers. 5th ed. Boston: Bedford, St. Martin’s, 2003
(or similar writing guide – you should have one from your 101 composition class)
• Both of these texts should be available at the Upstate Bookstore or online.
Recommended Reading
• What’s an Adjective? (also …Adverb, …Pronoun, …Verb -- 4 kids’ books by Beverly Cleary)
• When You Catch an Adjective, Kill It – Ben Yagoda, 2007
Assignment Deadlines
• All work is expected on the assigned date and time. Late work without prior approval may or may not be
accepted at the discretion of the instructor. All accepted late work (whether pre-approved or not) will be
assessed a 10% reduction in the grade on the assignment
• All papers must be submitted to Blackboard. Further details will be given in class
• Any student with a disability may contact the Office of Disability Services at 503-5199 for a
confidential appointment. Students requesting accommodations must present to the instructor a
letter from this office as promptly as possible. Accommodations cannot be provided retroactively.
Syllabus SEGL 252
Marlow 2
 In this course, participation equals attendance. Students are expected to login to Blackboard and participate
in the course at least 5 days per week. The same level of work is expected from this course as in a face to
face course (~ 10 hours of participation/week PLUS reading, writing, doing analysis, etc).
 Research has shown that active, involved students learn more and get better grades. While there is no “A
for effort” policy in this course, the instructor reserves the right to improve borderline grades for regular,
constructive and meaningful participation in all facets of the course (see Grading below).
 Quizzes (20%): Review quizzes will be given at the conclusion of each unit. You must log-in
and take the quiz before the deadline. Please make backup plans in case of technological or
other problems. No make-up quizzes will be given.
 Examinations (25%): There will be two exams: midterm (10%) and final exam (15%). You must
log-in and take the quiz before the deadline. Please make backup plans in case of technological
or other problems. Make-up exams are rarely given and carry a grade-related penalty.
 Minor Papers (25%): For each unit covered, students will write a short paper demonstrating
their understanding of key elements of the unit though analysis of naturally occurring language
 Major Papers (30%): Students analyze real-life language and research grammatical issues
- The Word Analysis paper is due one week before the middle of the term (10%). Students will be
required to submit drafts to the Blackboard Discussion Board and will have the opportunity to
revise their papers based on feedback from peers (see below)
- The Major Project paper, details to come later, is due on the second to the last day of class
(20%). Details for all papers will be given in class
Plagiarism & Academic Dishonesty
 Both formal papers must be submitted to Blackboard for an automated plagiarism check. Posting
of the papers at least 24 hours in advance of the deadline to self-check for unintentional
plagiarism is recommended. This tool may be employed at the instructor’s discretion for any other
assignment (quiz, test, etc.) as well. Copying another’s answer on a quiz falls into this category.
 Ignorance of the guidelines for avoiding plagiarism is not an acceptable excuse.
 Penalties for plagiarism, even if it’s unintentional, range from failure on an assignment to failure
of the course with an Fx, signifying academic dishonesty. Intentional plagiarism (circumventing
the check above) will be dealt with in the most severe manner possible.
 While it is appropriate to ‘build’ on work you have done previously, final submitted work
should be original and written specifically for this course (it is possible to plagiarize yourself).
A: 90%–100%
B: 80%–87.99%
C: 70%–77.99%
D: 60%–67.99%
F: below 60%
The instructor reserves the right to
reward class participation with higher
grades for scores w/in 2 points
of the next grade level (e.g. 86  B+)
*** This syllabus is subject to change ***